How can I undo or "de-selected" a developer after wrongly press the "to selected" in the Freeelance order - page 2


That's really convenient, to be selected and then de-selected, and finally rejected. 

This creates competition in the chat box, the one with the best talk win's the job.

Usually also the one that is only after the money, has a ready made solution available, not the best coder for the job.

Say ten coders respond, then nine people wasted their time on the particular job...

To prevent this, lock in the payment a.s.a.p

The risk is that it boils down to the one with the best marketing skills, no necessarily the best coding skills. 

Marco vd Heijden:

Why do you want to de-select it ?

Accidentally press the "to-select"button

Marco vd Heijden:

I have seen job's being selected then de-selected and re-selected so i assume it's possible.

But i have also seen jobs where the member fishes for as much info as possible and then simply disappears. 

Even on freelance there are people that are trying to score a free lunch.

So be aware and make sure to lock that payment if you are going to take the time to talk to someone.

I pressed the button accidentally. For the developer accidentally selected, I never talk to him/her !!