Why is there so much stress and anger in this forum? - page 5


Could you possibly reword this? I appreciate that English is not your main language but the message is rather difficult for me to understand. 

If you are saying that my thread was provocative then you are correct. I was trying to provoke people to provide their opinions so I can gauge a better understanding of the perceived situation.  

"we are not stupid ... stupid ... stupid ..." -
the words "stupid ... stupid" is echo.


yes, provocative name of the thread ... and I may be angry ...
Are you asking me "why" in the name of the thread?
It is my reply: because of the name of the thread.

provoke people? means - "making the waves on the forum" ("making waves" is not my slang, it is the term)?
yes, that's fine (no problem).

Marco vd Heijden:

Did you know that it evolved like that ?

It was different in the past.

We recently had a talk about it and what could be done to improve it.

If you look here https://www.mql5.com/en/search#!keyword=thecreator1 

You can see that i have 412 pages of helping people.

I would take the time to help people to develop working systems by creating and stitching the necessary pieces of code together.

All i had to see was that the member was willing put in an equal amount of effort.

And these members have gone extinct, or so it seems. 

All i can see now is instant gratification and even a rude demand for more.

I do not know why it happened, or how to solve it.

I can understand where you are coming from. "give an inch, they take a mile".

Your policy on taking time to help people is totally fair and I appreciate that stance.  

Sergey Golubev:

"we are not stupid ... stupid ... stupid ..." -
the words "stupid ... stupid" is echo.


yes, provocative name of the thread ... and I got angry ...
Are you asking me "why" in the name of the thread?
It is my reply: because of the name of the thread.

provoke people? means - "making the waves on the forum" ("making waves" is not my slang, it is the term)?
yes, that's fine (no problem).

I'm not trying to be rude or condescending but I really cannot understand what you are trying to say. If you PM me in your native language I will translate it via Google and see if I can understand what you are saying better.


I'm not trying to be rude or condescending but I really cannot understand what you are trying to say. If you PM me in your native language I will translate it via Google and see if I can understand what you are saying better.

I think - you understand what I mean. No any PM sorry.


Up to you: if the community is accepting the name of the thread with the discussion around one opinion only - that's fine; if not so ...
Not a problem anyway.

Sergey Golubev:

I think - you understand what I mean. No any PM sorry.


Up to you: if the community is accepting the name of the thread with the discussion around one opinion only - that's fine; if not so ...
Not a problem anyway.

Let me get this straight:

You have assumed that I am lying instead of appreciating the fact that your English is far from perfect? I am from England mate, I think I know the structure of our grammar!

I'll give you a quick lesson:

"No any PM sorry" - this phrase is grammatically incorrect. It makes no sense in the English language. Instead it should be phrased "PM's are not available"
 "the words "stupid ... stupid" is echo." - this phrase is also totally nonsensical. I cannot even interpret the basis of what you are saying because the grammar is so flawed. 

You also used 'In' as the first word which makes absolutely no sense. Hence my struggle to understand you. 

The purpose of this message is not to try and make you look stupid (I can only speak one language so you are doing a better job than me), but just to challenge "I think - you understand what I mean." - I do not understand and was even reasonable enough to say if you post it in your own language then I will try and interpret it that way, but you decided to take offence to this rather than raise the question "are my English language skills perfect", if they are not perfect then they are open to error and here you have made an error with your nonsensical language and grammar.

Your anger is not disproved via an angry and emotional reaction, to the contrary it is confirmed.  


Also Sergey if you have a look at the comments, I am mostly agreeing with what you guys say. The purpose of this thread was to gauge a better understanding of why the (perceived) situation is as it is. I have gained a much better understanding of why moderators feel the way they feel, and have took on board what everybody has said. 

For this reason your recent (perceived) disdain towards me is hard to fathom.  

Frankly this whole post has turned into a pathetic argument between me and you, which was absolutley not the purpose of the post. You made an earlier reference to me changing my opinion - to me this is hilarious. I have allowed my opinion to be altered via the external opinions posted on this thread. I have listened. I have been respectful. I have asked questions. I have learnt new information. I have used this new information to form my new opinion. Why do you look down on this process? If I ignored everything you guys said then you would have had a go at me for that so either way by trying to understand people more - I have put myself in a Lose/Lose situation. 

This is the maturity of the 22 year old vs. the apparent moderator. 

Sergey Golubev:

"we are not stupid ... stupid ... stupid ..." -
the words "stupid ... stupid" is echo.


yes, provocative name of the thread ... and I may be angry ...
Are you asking me "why" in the name of the thread?
It is my reply: because of the name of the thread.

provoke people? means - "making the waves on the forum" ("making waves" is not my slang, it is the term)?
yes, that's fine (no problem).

I am on forex forums since 2003 as a moderator ...


echo = google

I mean: 5 or 10 pages more, and all the people will say: "mql5 forum? yes we know - this forum is making the users to be angry."

It is same as "fake news": you do not need to prove anything, just say.


Also Sergey if you have a look at the comments, I am mostly agreeing with what you guys say. The purpose of this thread was to gauge a better understanding of why the (perceived) situation is as it is. I have gained a much better understanding of why moderators feel the way they feel, and have took on board what everybody has said. 

For this reason your recent (perceived) disdain towards me is hard to fathom.  

Frankly this whole post has turned into a pathetic argument between me and you, which was absolutley not the purpose of the post. You made an earlier reference to me changing my opinion - to me this is hilarious. I have allowed my opinion to be altered via the external opinions posted on this thread. I have listened. I have been respectful. I have asked questions. I have learnt new information. I have used this new information to form my new opinion. Why do you look down on this process? If I ignored everything you guys said then you would have had a go at me for that so either way by trying to understand people more - I have put myself in a Lose/Lose situation. 

This is the maturity of the 22 year old vs. the apparent moderator. 

I do not agree with the name of your thread: "Why is there so much stress and anger in this forum?".

I will not delete this thread, and I will not edit the name of the thread.
But I expressed my opinion here.

That's all.

Sergey Golubev:

I do not agree with the name of your thread: "Why is there so much stress and anger in this forum?".

I will not delete this thread, and I will not edit the name of the thread.
But I expressed my opinion here.

That's all.

This is not the same as fake news haha. I agree that the title could be misleading but why would one just randomly search "anger mql5"?

The answer is that one wouldn't. 

I have stated on several occasions that this forum is for the expression of opinions, I have said it so many times. I cannot prove that you're angry, you cannot prove that I'm angry, we cannot prove that anyone else is angry. But we can have a grown up discussion about how the moderators and the users feel, and in that sense, this post has (up until now) fulfilled its purpose.

If I have the ability to do so, I shall take it upon myself to edit the name of this thread, although I really don't think Google is going to be getting much traffic for "anger mql5" within the coming months. 

"echo = google"? Just because this is a coding forum, doesn't mean we have to speak in code... ;)

Finally I respect that you have been here for a long time and I therefore respect your opinion and the opinion of anybody else for that matter who has learnt how to do this stuff because, you know, it's quite hard... but for the sake of humanity please do not look down upon somebody altering their opinion after receiving new information! I will be a pretty shit trader if I lack the capacity to do this. 


I don't agree that there is "So much stress and anger" in the forum.

For the most part you will see that there are a few posters that can't seem to post in a friendly manner. The vast majority are polite.

Sometimes it is difficult to remain cool when you give people advice and they totally ignore it and I believe that people can be forgiven for being a bit snarky in such cases.