Why is there so much stress and anger in this forum? - page 2

koranged :

This is the exact sort of behaviour I am referring to. The purpose of this post was to try and gauge an understanding of how you guys actually feel and why there is hostility. There is no need to reply with such anger my friend. Just state your opinion and we can have a discussion like grown ups, there is no need to speak to me in such a negative way for simply asking an open question. You could have answered the same question with much fairer language, but unfortunately the mist of anger I referred to at the start of this post rises again. Why can't we speak to each other like adults?

I am sorry that I used your posts for reply to all the community ... I just replied to everybody.


As to "this story" ... yes, we are very different people. And we are the community.
So, let's create the community to be much better than "real life on the street" for example.
Yes, I am talking about life on the forum (I am not talking about "existance" on the forum).


If you are talking about responsibility ... "..Why can't we speak to each other like adults?" ...
So, yes, we all are responsible for what we are talking/doing here.
But if we are going to this "responsibility story" in deep way so everything will be crashed ...

Responsibility (or "speak like adults") is the managerial terminology ...
But if we are talking about the life on the forum (not existance/sirviving/suffering on the forum) so this term as "responsibility" does not exist at all.


We should accept everything "as is", and we are able to turn this our Community World to be much better than our real life in the countries.
Any others are related to the communication skills sorry.

"We are united because we are different."
France, 18 century, (about martingale in that time).

When i sincerely try to help someone, but the answer does not suit the user's need, i get accused of putting people down, and i am a bad moderator and all kinds of things are thrown my way, and they complain about me.

Then i ask them to point me to where all of this is happening and they go silent because they can not do that because it didn't happen.

I take it that they wan't something done, and when they realize it's not possible or that it's not going to happen, and they get angry, and look for someone to blame and that is usually us.

Maybe you don't know it, but being falsely accused of something that you did not do, doesn't make you feel good, especially when you gave a honest reply to the question.

I also noticed that most users do not want to put in any effort at all.

They expect to get a full blown working solution, for free.

I changed my way of communication where i would code 99% of the code, for them, and asked the user to do the last 1% and guess what, the code wasn't finished until this day.

Needles to say this user has already opened up two new topics crying for help once more.

Also people seem to believe that if they have spend $800 in freelance hiring coders to code their task, they now deserve a coder for free.

Do they not realize that this $800 went to other coders not to the ones they are begging help from?

What is wrong with these people?

If you ask me many people here should not be in financial markets, and it is inevitable that they are going to fail.

This forum is a fantastic resource for programmers of all levels, from beginners looking to plug the gaps in their understanding to the adept who may still require help themselves from time to time. 

Unfortunately, there seems to be a lingering feeling of anger and frustration from the regulars and I am interested in understanding why (hence the post).

I understand that from time to time, lazy questions can be asked on here that would only take a couple of minutes of Googling to discover by oneself. However, for the most part, questions and discussions on here seem to be directed towards gaining a better understanding of the software and increasing productivity and efficiency. So why the stress?

If you understand a concept that somebody else doesn't then power to you. But if somebody is genuinely struggling and trying their hardest to figure something out, then why should one feel anything but pleasure in pointing them in the right direction and helping to plug their gaps of understanding? Why is helping another considered a chore? 

There appears to be a feeling of contempt from those in the know towards those who are new and need to ask questions. This mentality seems backwards. If you harbour such feelings, then I think the best future course of action would be to stop posting/replying on here. If you are a moderator and you hate it... just stop, life is too short!

Otherwise, let us all strive to help each other and make each other better programmers/traders rather than continuing to spread the mist of misery that hangs above this place on the daily!

Good luck to all.

I think the anger, frustration , stress etc. Is coming from people because they are losing money trading.
Shailesh Mishra:
I think the anger, frustration , stress etc. Is coming from people because they are losing money trading.

anger and so on - it is part of the life.
real life.

and the people are having the right to get (to feel it as) real life here on the forum to be much better than the "life on the street" for example (and it is we all should do here).

Shailesh Mishra:
I think the anger, frustration , stress etc. Is coming from people because they are losing money trading.


I had someone in my PM just recently and he asked if he could 'try my strategy for free' 

They take 2 day ichi moku courses for $750, but they want my strategy that i have developed over 30+ years for free.

And they get upset when i decline and tell them that i do not owe anything to anybody !

They also think that it's possible to compress 30 years of knowledge into a few text messages, i mean hello.

Alain: Why/where did you see stress and anger at the first place to start this topic ?

Do you want me to link each and every occasion in which I have encountered stress or anger on this forum? Or would you just like me to confirm whether or not I made this entire post because of your comment to me 15 minutes earlier? If it's the later then no, I did not create this entire post because of your message to me. The most basic answer to your question would be "everywhere", hence the creation of the post. 

Alain: I think you are perceiving something which doesn't exist here. I read Sergey's post 3 times, and I can't understand where you see "hostility" or "anger" or "negative way" ? Sergey is the most nice guy here.

The very nature of 'perception' is that it is different to each of us. So something which I perceive to be negative could quite conceivably be perceived by you to be positive. This is why I started the thread, so that we can express our opinions on the topic. 

If you did not perceive Sergey's post to be negatively worded, then that's fine, but I perceived parts such as "Are you talking about yourself?" , " "force people to work/help/etc for free" so sorry: 'forcing people to work/help for free' is illegal in many countries ..." to be negative. If you do not share this opinion then that is fine, but I did not mention forcing people to work for free or anything even remotely related to that so I therefore perceive this to be a negative spin on what was really just an open question from myself...

Sergey Golubev:

I am sorry that I used your posts for reply to all the community ... I just replied to everybody.


As to "this story" ... yes, we are very different people. And we are the community.
So, let's create the community to be much better than "real life on the street" for example.
Yes, I am talking about life on the forum (I am not talking about "existance" on the forum).


If you are talking about responsibility ... "..Why can't we speak to each other like adults?" ...
So, yes, we all are responsible for what we are talking/doing here.
But if we are going to this "responsibility story" in deep way so everything will be crashed ...

Responsibility (or "speak like adults") is the managerial terminology ...
But if we are talking about the life on the forum (not existance/sirviving/suffering on the forum) so this term as "responsibility" does not exist at all.


We should accept everything "as is", and we are able to turn this our Community World to be much better than our real life in the countries.
Any others are related to the communication skills sorry.

To which "story" do you refer. I did not even mention the word 'story'?


To which "story" do you refer. I did not even mention the word 'story'?

This is the global story (your words) - "Unfortunately, there seems to be a lingering feeling of anger and frustration from the regulars and I am interested in understanding why (hence the post).", right?

Marco vd Heijden:


I had someone in my PM just recently and he asked if he could 'try my strategy for free' 

They take 2 day ichi moku courses for $750, but they want my strategy that i have developed over 30+ years for free.

And they get upset when i decline and tell them that i do not owe anything to anybody !

They also think that it's possible to compress 30 years of knowledge into a few text messages, i mean hello.

That is definitely a fair comment. But to be honest I think that moderators have a habit of tarring everyone with the same brush. You guys say that it's rare for someone to actually be trying their hardest but it appears to me that it is not nearly as rare as you guys perceive. In the case you have mentioned above, that is ridiculous, I can totally understand your frustration, but in my honest opinion moderators (deliberately or not) often don't give people the time of day and if the question being asked is perceived by the moderator to be 'obvious' then they reply in a rude manor. Not saying this happens all the time and my perception may well be exaggerated but it feels at times like there is a "Us vs. Them" mentality going on and I think we can all agree that this is unnecessary.