Creating an Order



I just created an order for an EA in the Freelance section. It shows that 4 Developers responded, but there appears to be no way to check-out the developers. The last time I used this, you could obtain information about the developer, some of the projects that they successfully completed, but all I see is Developer 1......and some basic stats. Is there a way to obtain information on each Developer?




I just created an order for an EA in the Freelance section. It shows that 4 Developers responded, but there appears to be no way to check-out the developers. The last time I used this, you could obtain information about the developer, some of the projects that they successfully completed, but all I see is Developer 1......and some basic stats. Is there a way to obtain information on each Developer?



there were some recent changes in FreeLance. Now you can only get to know your chosen developer AFTER you confirm Job Negotiation step.



I just created an order for an EA in the Freelance section. It shows that 4 Developers responded, but there appears to be no way to check-out the developers. The last time I used this, you could obtain information about the developer, some of the projects that they successfully completed, but all I see is Developer 1......and some basic stats. Is there a way to obtain information on each Developer?


Andrey Barinov:


there were some recent changes in FreeLance. Now you can only get to know your chosen developer AFTER you confirm Job Negotiation step.

site admins are surprising people with their decisions

a user can not see who applied for job and can not see his profile before he select developer and confirm requirements

who will work like this in real world?