ESMA New Leverage Limits Best Decision In Favor Of Traders?

  • 38% (29)
  • 62% (47)
Total voters: 76

So far equal .... 

Looking more votes plz

The most stupid decision ever, why someone is voting yes?
Luis Alejandro Diaz Vidal:
 why someone is voting yes?

Because they can.

It's obvious they did this. They are ESMA: Europe Steals Money Again. Obvious...
And above all, remain courteous.

Amit Goyal:
That is crazy.

Also I bet brokers out of USA/Europe are loving the decision by ESMA.

Obviously they are hating the new ESMA rules, their gains have been disminish 90%

Marco vd Heijden:

Because they can.

The reason behind the vote ...

Amit Goyal:
That is crazy.

Also I bet brokers out of USA/Europe are loving the decision by ESMA.

USA was before the new ESMA regulation more strict then EU. max 50 leverage and FIFO, which EU does not require.

Also brokers outside EU dealing with EU clearing houses/LP's/Banks (except certain countries like UK or Netherlands to some extend) will be affected. Simply because for EU based entities to meet the regulation requirements. Those totally unaffected are the ones you do not want to be a client of.

Not sure why so many polling/discussing the subject do not understand jack s. about it.


This will force more money to the market, if you have 1000$ with 1:500 leverage you will need to put 10x the amount that you had before to get 1:50 leverage

As clear as ABC the decision makers want control over more money from the people!!

Just to mention a couple of months ago or more i read an article that banks are starting to find the business of trading useful to them .. dunno if this was related to ESMA decision or not


This will force more money to the market, if you have 1000$ with 1:500 leverage you will need to put 10x the amount that you had before to get 1:50 leverage

As clear as ABC the decision makers want control over more money from the people!!

Just to mention a couple of months ago or more i read an article that banks are starting to find the business of trading useful to them .. dunno if this was related to ESMA decision or not

Or we can trade more sensible, with better money management and lower leverage as we should.