Modification in MTF CCI Indicator


Hello developers,

I have MTF CCI indicato. I need one modification. I want to add color fill option between the levels. i.e. I want to fill blue color between +100 to -100.
Can someone help me in this regard?



Hello developers,

I have MTF CCI indicato. I need one modification. I want to add color fill option between the levels. i.e. I want to fill blue color between +100 to -100.
Can someone help me in this regard?


You can post it as a job in Freelance.

For this small modification 30$ is too much. If someone can help? I appreciate the efforts.

Hello developers,

I have MTF CCI indicato. I need one modification. I want to add color fill option between the levels. i.e. I want to fill blue color between +100 to -100.
Can someone help me in this regard?


I added 12 codes to CCI.mq5, but it didn't fill it.   It became like the image below.

Someone, please give me some advice to fix it.

Can't Fill It With Blue

//|                                                          CCI.mq5 |
//|                   Copyright 2009-2017, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright   "2009-2017, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link        ""
#property description "Commodity Channel Index"
#include <MovingAverages.mqh>
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers       6   //@@@@@  It was 4.
#property indicator_plots         2   //@@@@@  It was 1.
#property indicator_type1         DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1        LightSeaGreen
#property indicator_level1       -100.0
#property indicator_level2        100.0
#property indicator_applied_price PRICE_TYPICAL
#property indicator_type2 DRAW_FILLING   //@@@@@ Added.
#property indicator_color2        Blue   //@@@@@ Added.
//--- input parametrs
input int  InpCCIPeriod=14; // Period
//--- global variable
int        ExtCCIPeriod;

input double NoTradeZoneDown = -100.0;  //@@@@@ Added.
input double NoTradeZoneUp   =  100.0;  //@@@@@ Added.
//---- indicator buffer
double     ExtSPBuffer[];
double     ExtDBuffer[];
double     ExtMBuffer[];
double     ExtCCIBuffer[];
double     ExtTZDownBuffer[];     //@@@@@ Added.
double     ExtTZUpBuffer[];       //@@@@@ Added.
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
void OnInit()
//--- check for input value of period
      printf("Incorrect value for input variable InpCCIPeriod=%d. Indicator will use value=%d for calculations.",InpCCIPeriod,ExtCCIPeriod);
   else ExtCCIPeriod=InpCCIPeriod;
//--- define buffers
   SetIndexBuffer(4,ExtTZDownBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);   //@@@@@ Added.
   SetIndexBuffer(5,ExtTZUpBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);     //@@@@@ Added.
//--- indicator name
//--- indexes draw begin settings
//--- number of digits of indicator value
//---- OnInit done
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const int begin,
                const double &price[])
//--- variables
   int    i,j;
   double dTmp,dMul=0.015/ExtCCIPeriod;
//--- start calculation
   int StartCalcPosition=(ExtCCIPeriod-1)+begin;
//--- check for bars count
//--- correct draw begin
   if(begin>0) PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_DRAW_BEGIN,StartCalcPosition+(ExtCCIPeriod-1));
//--- calculate position
   int pos=prev_calculated-1;
//--- main cycle
   for(i=pos;i<rates_total && !IsStopped();i++)
      //--- SMA on price buffer
      //--- calculate D
      for(j=0;j<ExtCCIPeriod;j++) dTmp+=MathAbs(price[i-j]-ExtSPBuffer[i]);
      //--- calculate M
      //--- calculate CCI
      if(ExtDBuffer[i]!=0.0) ExtCCIBuffer[i]=ExtMBuffer[i]/ExtDBuffer[i];
      else                   ExtCCIBuffer[i]=0.0;
      ExtTZDownBuffer[i] = NoTradeZoneDown;   //@@@@@ Added.
      ExtTZUpBuffer  [i] = NoTradeZoneUp;     //@@@@@ Added.
//---- OnCalculate done. Return new prev_calculated.
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers       6   //@@@@@  It was 4.
#property indicator_plots         2   //@@@@@  It was 1.
#property indicator_type1         DRAW_FILLING           //#property indicator_type1         DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1        clrBlue                //#property indicator_color1        LightSeaGreen
#property indicator_type2         DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2        clrLightSeaGreen
#property indicator_level1       -100.0
#property indicator_level2        100.0
#property indicator_applied_price PRICE_TYPICAL
//#property indicator_type2 DRAW_FILLING   //@@@@@ Added.
//#property indicator_color2        Blue   //@@@@@ Added.
   SetIndexBuffer(0,ExtTZUpBuffer,INDICATOR_DATA);            //SetIndexBuffer(0,ExtCCIBuffer);
   SetIndexBuffer(1,ExtTZDownBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);  //SetIndexBuffer(1,ExtDBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);
   SetIndexBuffer(2,ExtCCIBuffer,INDICATOR_DATA);             //SetIndexBuffer(2,ExtMBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);
   SetIndexBuffer(3,ExtDBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);       //SetIndexBuffer(3,ExtSPBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);
   SetIndexBuffer(4,ExtMBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);       //SetIndexBuffer(4,ExtTZDownBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);   //@@@@@ Added.
   SetIndexBuffer(5,ExtSPBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);      //SetIndexBuffer(5,ExtTZUpBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);     //@@@@@ Added.
Naguisa Unada:


Thanks to your correct codes, I was able to learn the usage of INDICATOR_DATA and INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS.

I hope our posts will help N_G.

#property copyright   "2009-2017, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link        ""
#property description "Commodity Channel Index"
#include <MovingAverages.mqh>
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers       6                 //@@@@@  It was 4.
#property indicator_plots         2                 //@@@@@  It was 1.
#property indicator_type1         DRAW_FILLING      //@@@@@ correct code
#property indicator_color1        clrBlue           //@@@@@ correct code
#property indicator_type2         DRAW_LINE         //@@@@@ correct code
#property indicator_color2        clrLightSeaGreen  //@@@@@ correct code
#property indicator_level1       -100.0
#property indicator_level2        100.0
#property indicator_applied_price PRICE_TYPICAL

//--- input parametrs
input int  InpCCIPeriod=14; // Period
//--- global variable
int        ExtCCIPeriod;

input double NoTradeZoneDown = -100.0;  //@@@@@ correct code
input double NoTradeZoneUp   =  100.0;  //@@@@@ correct code
//---- indicator buffer
double     ExtSPBuffer[];
double     ExtDBuffer[];
double     ExtMBuffer[];
double     ExtCCIBuffer[];
double     ExtTZDownBuffer[];     //@@@@@ correct code
double     ExtTZUpBuffer[];       //@@@@@ correct code
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
void OnInit()
//--- check for input value of period
      printf("Incorrect value for input variable InpCCIPeriod=%d. Indicator will use value=%d for calculations.",InpCCIPeriod,ExtCCIPeriod);
   else ExtCCIPeriod=InpCCIPeriod;
//--- define buffers
   SetIndexBuffer(0,ExtTZUpBuffer,INDICATOR_DATA);            //@@@@@ correct code
   SetIndexBuffer(1,ExtTZDownBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);  //@@@@@ correct code
   SetIndexBuffer(2,ExtCCIBuffer,INDICATOR_DATA);             //@@@@@ correct code
   SetIndexBuffer(3,ExtDBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);       //@@@@@ correct code
   SetIndexBuffer(4,ExtMBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);       //@@@@@ correct code
   SetIndexBuffer(5,ExtSPBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);      //@@@@@ correct code
//--- indicator name
//--- indexes draw begin settings
//--- number of digits of indicator value
//---- OnInit done
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const int begin,
                const double &price[])
//--- variables
   int    i,j;
   double dTmp,dMul=0.015/ExtCCIPeriod;
//--- start calculation
   int StartCalcPosition=(ExtCCIPeriod-1)+begin;
//--- check for bars count
//--- correct draw begin
   if(begin>0) PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_DRAW_BEGIN,StartCalcPosition+(ExtCCIPeriod-1));
//--- calculate position
   int pos=prev_calculated-1;
//--- main cycle
   for(i=pos;i<rates_total && !IsStopped();i++)
      //--- SMA on price buffer
      //--- calculate D
      for(j=0;j<ExtCCIPeriod;j++) dTmp+=MathAbs(price[i-j]-ExtSPBuffer[i]);
      //--- calculate M
      //--- calculate CCI
      if(ExtDBuffer[i]!=0.0) ExtCCIBuffer[i]=ExtMBuffer[i]/ExtDBuffer[i];
      else                   ExtCCIBuffer[i]=0.0;
      ExtTZDownBuffer[i] = NoTradeZoneDown;   //@@@@@ correct code
      ExtTZUpBuffer  [i] = NoTradeZoneUp;     //@@@@@ correct code
//---- OnCalculate done. Return new prev_calculated.




Thanks to your correct codes, I was able to learn the usage of INDICATOR_DATA and INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS.

I hope our posts will help N_G.

I have MTF CCI for mt4 :( which is purchased version. So .mq4 file is not available. Am I screwed? 
I have MTF CCI for mt4 :( which is purchased version. So .mq4 file is not available. Am I screwed? 

Most of purchased versions are ".ex4 files" that can't be modified and can't be displayed on MetaEditor.

If it was a ".mq4 file", you could ask the following link for advice to modify as you like.


Most of purchased versions are ".ex4 files" that can't be modified and can't be displayed on MetaEditor.

If it was a ".mq4 file", you could ask the following link for advice to modify as you like.



Thanks to your correct codes, I was able to learn the usage of INDICATOR_DATA and INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS.

I hope our posts will help N_G.

Asking just for curiosity. Is this the same code I need to add in case of mq4 file? Or is it different for mq4 & mq5? 
Naguisa Unada: