Need help to create image to fill all the background chart

#property indicator_chart_window
#property strict

string filename = "\\Images\\alpha.bmp";

int start ()


ObjectCreate( 0,filename, OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL, 0, 0, 0 );
    ObjectSetString( 0, filename, OBJPROP_BMPFILE, filename );

return (0);

Hi, i need help to fill all my chart with a image file, my goal is to use several images, and in certain moments change the background image,  the problem is that i can't make the image larger, and fit all the chart, i know it's possible because there is an indicator called chartwall, but it only works on windows, so what should i do to complete this task? thanks for any help



If i use a larger image, it fits more, but how can i manage to make it expand and fill all the chart? thanks



Either use bigger images or find a C++ class that can manipulate images.

You can set size parameters but it can only cut down images.


Either use bigger images or find a C++ class that can manipulate images.

You can set size parameters but it can only cut down images.

So it's not possible built in, thanks for answer
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  • 2017.06.15
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Alain Verleyen:
Too much complicated that way, i think i'll follow @kypa and use bigger images to fit the screen