CHART_AUTOSCROLL according the mouse wheel


Hello all, I am trying to put the "CHART_AUTOSCROL" parameter false...when i use the wheel of the mouse. I succed with a simple click

            if (id==CHARTEVENT_CLICK)
            // if (id==CHART_MOUSE_SCROLL)
                        bool My_Button_Auto_Scroll_State=ObjectGetInteger(0,"My_Button_Auto_Scroll",OBJPROP_STATE);

                                    ObjectSetInteger(0,"My_Button_Auto_Scroll",OBJPROP_STATE,false); // Set the CHART_AUTOSCROLL off
                                    ObjectSetInteger(0,"My_Button_Auto_Scroll",OBJPROP_STATE,true); // Set the CHART_AUTOSCROLL on

But I did'nt succeed with the mouse's wheel. Can someone help me please.
Kind regards.


I find another solution so it's ok now.

But i desire to know if there is a center/middle mouse click in mql ?
I can't find it.

Please help.

Thierry Ramaniraka:

I find another solution so it's ok now.

But i desire to know if there is a center/middle mouse click in mql ?
I can't find it.

Please help.

on event MOUSEMOVE , what does the "sparam" return when you click or roll the wheel ? 



and print all the params


and print all the params
Lorentzos Roussos:

on event MOUSEMOVE , what does the "sparam" return when you click or roll the wheel ? 

Thank you,
I will follow that way.




and print all the params

It doesn't compile...
Is it working for mt4 ?

Edit : 
I tried "CHARTEVENT_CLICK" and "CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE" ... these 2 last work well.
Any idea please ?

What are you trying to compile exacty?

int OnInit()

void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
   Print("Lparam: "+(string)lparam+", Dparam: "+(string)dparam+", Sparam: "+(string)sparam);

Does this work? If it doesn't - what build of MT4 you have?

It's not in MQL4 documentation, which is strange.

Types of Chart Events - Chart Constants - Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL4 Reference
Types of Chart Events - Chart Constants - Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL4 Reference
There are 9 types of events that can be processed using the predefined function OnChartEvent(). For custom events 65535 identifiers are provided in the range of CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM to CHARTEVENT_CUSTOM_LAST inclusive. To generate a custom event, the EventChartCustom() function should be used. For each type of event, the input parameters of the...

What are you trying to compile exacty?

Does this work? If it doesn't - what build of MT4 you have?

It's not in MQL4 documentation, which is strange.

It gives me this error

I have this version of MT4


Open a demo at MetaQuotes server, that will update your MT4 to latest beta. Which is 1121 and has the CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL defined.

If you want to revert back to 'release' for some reason (if you encounter problems with the beta) delete whatever is in WebInstall folder (next to Terminal, which is where the MetaTrader data folders are) and reinstall from your broker's setup.


What are you trying to compile exacty?

Does this work? If it doesn't - what build of MT4 you have?

It's not in MQL4 documentation, which is strange.

I have see this code on the documentation :

//| MouseState                                                       |
string MouseState(uint state)
   string res;
   res+="\nML: "   +(((state& 1)== 1)?"DN":"UP");   // mouse left
   res+="\nMR: "   +(((state& 2)== 2)?"DN":"UP");   // mouse right 
   res+="\nMM: "   +(((state&16)==16)?"DN":"UP");   // mouse middle
   res+="\nMX: "   +(((state&32)==32)?"DN":"UP");   // mouse first X key
   res+="\nMY: "   +(((state&64)==64)?"DN":"UP");   // mouse second X key
   res+="\nSHIFT: "+(((state& 4)== 4)?"DN":"UP");   // shift key
   res+="\nCTRL: " +(((state& 8)== 8)?"DN":"UP");   // control key
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,const long &lparam,const double &dparam,const string &sparam)
      Comment("POINT: ",(int)lparam,",",(int)dparam,"\n",MouseState((uint)sparam));

It detects the MOUSE MIDDLE CLICK state.
I think there is a way to use it and turn it according my needs.

Kind of 

// if state&16 == DN
// then do something...

How can I translate this idea in "true" code please ?



It would do the same job as your previous code, the state variable is just the sparam of the event. And, of course, it still needs mouse move detecting allowed in initialization.

You should use id==CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE && sparam==<sparam of middle click> if you want your function on middle click.

The wheel click is assigned for haircross so you may run into conflict (sometimes your functions execute, sometimes a crosshair appears).

If you want to use the scroll wheel it's the same procedure with id==CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL and lparam. Except you need Build 1121, because Build 1090 doesn't support it.