Move objects without selecting them



Could someone help me by saying how can I move objects without selecting them? I saw a video recently and found it very interesting, but it's been days and I still have not made any progress.  --->  how can you move the equal object it does at 1:08 in the video??

Could someone write an example for me in this "Box" file and send me back?
Box.mq4  6 kb

My advice, stop wasting your development time using the raw object functions and use the standard library instead. CChartObjects (and subclasses) handle all the tear-down and error checking for you logic for you. In order to move a box you simply need to change the datetime, price coordinates. 

#property strict

#include <ChartObjects\ChartObjectsShapes.mqh>
CChartObjectRectangle g_box;

int g_width, g_height;
int OnInit()
   g_box.Create(0, "Box", 0, 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0);
   g_width  = (int)ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS);
   g_height = (int)ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS);
void OnTimer()
   datetime time[2] = {0};
   double price[2]  = {0.};
   for(int i=0; i < 2; i++){
      int x = rand() % g_width;
      int y = rand() % g_height;
      int sub = 0;
      ChartXYToTimePrice(0, x, y, sub, time[i], price[i]);
   g_box.Time(0, time[0]);
   g_box.Time(1, time[1]);
   g_box.Price(0, price[0]);
   g_box.Price(1, price[1]);
void OnTick(){}


Could someone help me by saying how can I move objects without selecting them? I saw a video recently and found it very interesting, but it's been days and I still have not made any progress.  --->  how can you move the equal object it does at 1:08 in the video??

it is not as easy as it sounds or appears.  I agree with @nicholi shen.  It is better to study library already written than to recreate the wheel.   

  • First you have to capture the mouse movement and click (click vs. drag)
  • Second you have to bind the mouse location to the location of the panel

I suggest reading wonderful series of articles written by @Anatoli Kazharski starting from chapter 1  You can also study the library written by MetaTrader4 under Indicator > SimplePanel > SimplePanel (link to the library resources are within the indicator).   You have to use OnChartEvent(....) function (like MetaTrader), or OnTimer(...) like @Anatoli Kazharski to capture the mouse move.

Graphical Interfaces I: Preparation of the Library Structure (Chapter 1)
Graphical Interfaces I: Preparation of the Library Structure (Chapter 1)
  • 2016.02.01
  • Anatoli Kazharski
This article is the beginning of another series concerning development of graphical interfaces. Currently, there is not a single code library that would allow quick and easy creation of high quality graphical interfaces within MQL applications. By that, I mean the graphical interfaces that we are used to in familiar operating systems. The goal...
Kaleem Haider:

it is not as easy as it sounds or appears.  I agree with @nicholi shen.  It is better to study library already written than to recreate the wheel.   

  • First you have to capture the mouse movement and click (click vs. drag)
  • Second you have to bind the mouse location to the location of the panel

I suggest reading wonderful series of articles written by @Anatoli Kazharski starting from chapter 1  You can also study the library written by MetaTrader4 under Indicator > SimplePanel > SimplePanel (link to the library resources are within the indicator).   You have to use OnChartEvent(....) function (like MetaTrader), or OnTimer(...) like @Anatoli Kazharski to capture the mouse move.

Thank you guys!! You are right, I will study these links and try to get something already done for me.