PIPPRO trend-pro professional profitable trending system - page 2

Alain Verleyen:
So what's the point to ask for "no more than $100" on this topic ? I don't understand you.

No point , a lot of coders work for $30 for an EA.   This is for cheap amateur  EAS.

We can discuss about professional quality EAS for live accounts  in a different thread, about the difference between professional level and amateur  level


That depends on the coder and not on the price.

You can have a $30 job that easily outperforms a $100 or even $600 job.

 The idea that the quality is better when you pay more, is a fallacy. 

Marco vd Heijden:

That depends on the coder and not on the price.

You can have a $30 job that easily outperforms a $100 or even $600 job.

 The idea that the quality is better when you pay more, is a fallacy. 

i know a coder on this site, he is a quality coder, he would do it for $30.So I agree with you.Paying  for indicators also has same logic. as paying for free strategies.You don't have to pay for an EA , if a coder wants this EA for himself and is willing to share it for free.  he would get help on coding instructions  and you guys get a free profitable EA.

iF i give you guys 3 more profitable strategies, you don't have to work ever, you get a paycheck every month, if all 4 profitable coded for free.           Now that is the benefit of being on this site.

Here is same set up profitable on gbp/usd  making +500  pips



There is free lunch on this site, but as a member you have to give to community, the community gives you.

Thank you  community for free great indicators

watch out for my proof  of a profitable strategy, new ea  is showing profits    


You really should not be promising things that you can not make truth in reality.

Coders usually code because they like what they do not necessarily because they have to or for 'work'.

Seeing you using that term makes me think that you are in the wrong field.

They also usually know on forehand if the offered strategy will perform or not.

And seeing you using indicator i would simply reject the job right away.
Marco vd Heijden:

You really should not be promising things that you can not make truth in reality.

Coders usually code because they like what they do not necessarily because they have to or for 'work'.

Seeing you using that term makes me think that you are in the wrong field.

They also usually know on forehand if the offered strategy will perform or not.

And seeing you using indicator i would simply reject the job right away.

How can  coders know if a strategy is great , by looking at indicators, they don't trade trade they code and look at codes.It is like a Belgian taking about french onions, when he does not eat any.Only a frenchman would know what great onions are like.

And seeing you using indicator i would simply reject the job right away.

you admitted it was a billionaire strategy , so maybe you don't want anyone else to know , so you can sell it in the market place.It serves the  the forums right ,if they were  hiding the profitable strategies, so everybody remains here to pay mod's wages.Then you have to ban profitable members,like all forums do, so the forum owners can get   rich.

There   back test



Because coders have been there before.

I was waiting for the all promising back test graph

It's like clockwork.

How can  coders know if a strategy is great , by looking at indicators, they don't trade trade they code and look at codes.It is like a Belgian taking about french onions, when he does not eat any.Only a frenchman would know what great onions are like.

And seeing you using indicator i would simply reject the job right away.

you admitted it was a billionaire strategy , so maybe you don't want anyone else to know , so you can sell it in the market place.It serves the  the forums right ,if they were  hiding the profitable strategies, so everybody remains here to pay mod's wages.Then you have to ban profitable members,like all forums do, so the forum owners can get   rich.

There   back test

Many Programmer have already read everything in this thread, already first thing they saw is your "Stepma ..." give already false entry, secondly there is a huge drawdown on that back-test graph which you have share. The most moderate developer will ask you $30.00 to $35.00 per indicator which need to be included within your EA.

That EA can't be profitable in the long run, it will need your attention as it trade.

Chris Mukengeshayi:

Many Programmer have already read everything in this thread, already first thing they saw is your "Stepma ..." give already false entry, secondly there is a huge drawdown on that back-test graph which you have share. The most moderate developer will ask you $30.00 to $35.00 per indicator which need to be included within your EA.

That EA can't be profitable in the long run, it will need your attention as it trade.

talk about the blind leading the blind  or teaching a grand mother how to suck eggs.

No pain no gain.NO RISK NO REWARD.

No such thing as a perfect EA

Marco vd Heijden:

Because coders have been there before.

I was waiting for the all promising back test graph

It's like clockwork.

the only thing like clockworks every profitable system get knocked , all the garbage indicators get bumped with all the failed systems from the old forex-tsd, so everybody remains and keeps buying from the market place,  so site owner s rich.