MT4 to MT5 conversion Different Indicator Outcome Please Help

I have converted an mt4 indicator to mt5 . The code and the logic is exactly the same but the out come is completely wrong on MT5. I am attaching the MT5 code and two pictures one from MT4 which is the correct outcome of the indicator and a picture with the wrong outcome from MT5. Could someone please help out
#property strict
#property copyright "Copyright 2018 ..."
#property link      "https://" 
#property version "1.0"
#property icon      "WeisPipWave60x60.ico"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_minimum 0
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- plot upVolume
#property indicator_label1  "upPips"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color1  clrGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  2
//--- plot dnVolume
#property indicator_label2  "dnPips"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_HISTOGRAM
#property indicator_color2  clrFireBrick
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  2

//--- input parameters
input int      Difference = 120;

// Alert Parameters

input string Alert_On_Volume = "Alert on Volume>VolSize on TriggerCandle";
input int    TriggerCandle      = 1;
input double PipWaveSize=100;
input bool   EnableNativeAlerts = false;
input bool   EnableSoundAlerts  = false;
input bool   EnableEmailAlerts  = false;
input string SoundFileName      = "alert.wav";

datetime LastAlertTimeP = D'01.01.1970';
int LastAlertDirectionP = 0;

//--- indicator buffers

double         barDirection[];
double         trendDirection[];
double         waveDirection[];
double         upPipBuffer[];
double         dnPipBuffer[];

double         pipTracker=0;

double         highestHigh = EMPTY_VALUE;
double         lowestLow   = EMPTY_VALUE;
int            hhBar = EMPTY_VALUE;
int            llBar = EMPTY_VALUE;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
   SetIndexBuffer(0, upPipBuffer);
   SetIndexBuffer(1, dnPipBuffer);
   SetIndexBuffer(2, trendDirection);
   SetIndexBuffer(3, waveDirection);
   SetIndexBuffer(4, barDirection);
 //  ArraySetAsSeries(upPipBuffer,true);
 //  ArraySetAsSeries(dnPipBuffer,true);
 //  SetLevelValue(1,PipWaveSize);
 //  SetLevelStyle(STYLE_DASH,1);
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
               const int prev_calculated,
               const datetime &time[],
              const double &open[],
               const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
   // Only compute bars on new bar
   if (rates_total == prev_calculated) return(rates_total);
   int limit = rates_total-1 ;
Print("ratestotal ", rates_total, " prev_r ", prev_calculated);
   int  waveChangeBar = limit-1;

   // Initialise values
   if (highestHigh == EMPTY_VALUE) highestHigh =close[waveChangeBar];
   if (lowestLow ==EMPTY_VALUE) lowestLow = close[waveChangeBar];
   if (hhBar == EMPTY_VALUE) hhBar = waveChangeBar;
   if (llBar ==EMPTY_VALUE) llBar = waveChangeBar;


   for(int i=limit-1; i>=0; i--) {
      // Determine this bar's direction
      if (close[i] - close[i+1] >  0) barDirection[i] =  +1;    // current close higher
      if (close[i] - close[i+1] == 0) barDirection[i] =  0;    // current close equal
      if (close[i] - close[i+1] <  0)  barDirection[i]= -1;    // current close lower
      if (barDirection[limit]   == EMPTY_VALUE) barDirection[limit]   = barDirection[i];
      if (trendDirection[limit] == EMPTY_VALUE) trendDirection[limit] = barDirection[i];
      if (waveDirection[limit]  == EMPTY_VALUE) waveDirection[limit]  = barDirection[i];

      // Determine highset high and lowest low
      if (close[i] > highestHigh) {
         highestHigh = close[i];
         hhBar = i;
      else if (close[i] < lowestLow) {
         lowestLow = close[i];
         llBar = i;
      // Determine if this bar has started a new trend
      if ((barDirection[i] != 0) && (barDirection[i] != barDirection[i+1]))
            trendDirection[i] = barDirection[i];
      else  trendDirection[i] = trendDirection[i+1];

      // Determine if this bar has started a new wave
     double waveTest =0.0;
      if (waveDirection[i+1] == +1  ) {
         waveTest = highestHigh ;
      if (waveDirection[i+1] == -1  ) {
         waveTest = lowestLow;
      double waveDifference = (MathAbs(waveTest - close[i])) * MathPow(10, _Digits);;
    //  Print(waveDifference);
      if (trendDirection[i] != waveDirection[i+1]) {
         if (waveDifference >= Difference ) waveDirection[i] = trendDirection[i];
         else waveDirection[i] = waveDirection[i+1];
      else waveDirection[i] = waveDirection[i+1];

      // Determine if we have started a new wave
      if (waveDirection[i] != waveDirection[i+1] ) {    //&& close[i] !=close[i+1]
        if (waveDirection[i] == 1) {
            highestHigh = close[i];
            hhBar = i;
           waveChangeBar = llBar;
        else {
            lowestLow = close[i];
           llBar = i;
           waveChangeBar = hhBar;
     Print(i, " limit ", limit, "highest high " ,highestHigh, " hhbar " , hhBar, " trend ", trendDirection[i], " wave ",waveDirection[i], " bardir ",barDirection[i]);
         for (int k=waveChangeBar-1; k>=i; k--)     {                                                                                                                        
            pipTracker +=(open[k]-close[k])*MathPow(10, _Digits)/10;
            if (waveDirection[i] == +1) {
            if (waveDirection[i] == -1) {

      else {
       pipTracker+=(open[i]-close[i])*MathPow(10, _Digits)/10;


      // Set the indicators
      if (waveDirection[i] ==  +1) {
      if (waveDirection[i] == -1) {
 //if (((TriggerCandle > 0) && (Time[0] > LastAlertTimeP)) || (TriggerCandle == 0))
        //string Text;
        //if ((upPipBuffer[TriggerCandle] > PipWaveSize) && (upPipBuffer[TriggerCandle+1] < PipWaveSize) && ((TriggerCandle > 0) || ((TriggerCandle == 0) && (LastAlertDirectionP != 1))))

        //      Text = _Symbol+" "+ IntegerToString(Period())+" HIGH UP PIP WAVE " + " - "+TimeToString(Time[0]);
        //      if (EnableNativeAlerts) Alert(Text);
        //      if (EnableEmailAlerts) SendMail(_Symbol+ " HIGH UP PIP WAVE ", Text);
        //      if (EnableSoundAlerts) PlaySound(SoundFileName);
        //      LastAlertTimeP = Time[0];
        //      LastAlertDirectionP = 1;
        // Down Arrow Alert
        //if ((dnPipBuffer[TriggerCandle] > PipWaveSize)&& (dnPipBuffer[TriggerCandle+1] < PipWaveSize) && ((TriggerCandle > 0) || ((TriggerCandle == 0) && (LastAlertDirectionP != -1))))
        //      Text =_Symbol+ " "+ IntegerToString(Period())+" HIGH DN PIP WAVE  " + " - "+TimeToString(Time[0]);
        //      if (EnableNativeAlerts) Alert(Text);
        //      if (EnableEmailAlerts) SendMail(_Symbol+ " HIGH DN PIP WAVE ", Text);
        //      if (EnableSoundAlerts) PlaySound(SoundFileName);
        //      LastAlertTimeP = Time[0];
        //      LastAlertDirectionP = -1;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call

Rates index goes the other way in MQL5.
Rates index goes the other way in MQL5.
Thanks for your reply. Could you please be more specific, do I need to loop differently?
In MQL4 the last bar is Bar[0], in MQL5 it is Bar[rates_total-1]. So if you want to start from most left loop should be 0 to rates_total. Also you probably don't need to recalculate the whole thing every time. Additionally if new history is added to chart prev_calculated is set to 0, you should probably handle that too.
In MQL4 the last bar is Bar[0], in MQL5 it is Bar[rates_total-1]. So if you want to start from most left loop should be 0 to rates_total. Also you probably don't need to recalculate the whole thing every time. Additionally if new history is added to chart prev_calculated is set to 0, you should probably handle that too.
Got it. Thank you.