Any real traders here making a profit?


Why is the commercial section in forex factory having 80 % of the threads?They failed and can't make money from trading.

Why are there more signal sellers and ea /indicator sellers  , than I assume real traders?I am talking about all forums and okers forums , and all the regulars on them.

Any real traders here making a profit?

Some forums are sponsored by forex bucket shops; the content on these sites is to mislead new traders. There are no profitable traders on these forums; successful traders don’t hang around amateurs. In the trading gold rush, the biggest posters on forums are the trading gold rush merchants below 

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In the California gold rush It was much more common for people to become wealthy by providing the miners with over-priced food, supplies and services. A store owner was the great beneficiary of this new found wealth. Prices increased rapidly and during this period his store had a turnover of $150,000 a month (almost $4 million in today's money). Another man who made his fortune from the gold rush. He owned a store . Trade increased dramatically during the years that followed the discovery of gold. It is claimed that he made so much money that he never needed to work again.


Why is the commercial section in forex factory having 80 % of the threads?They failed and can't make money from trading.

Why are there more signal sellers and ea /indicator sellers  , than I assume real traders?I am talking about all forums and okers forums , and all the regulars on them.


Because it is more easy to sell indicator or EA for small money then to spend one or few years for trading hoping to get big money in one day.

Anyway - there are real traders (you can look at the Signals for example) but they do not want to disclose everything to the people who are not going to spend at least few days to help themselves sorry.

Sergey Golubev:

Because it is more easy to sell indicator or EA for small money then to spend one or few years for trading hoping to get big money in one day.

Anyway - there are real traders (you can look at the Signals for example) but they do not want to disclose everything to the people who are not going to spend at least few days to help themselves sorry.

Maybe one could say ,the real profitable traders are enjoying their life , being focused on trading, cause forum distractions can lead to loss of concentration.Spending time on my self is helping  me, spending time on forums can  take that time away.

Anyway , the ones making some money on signals ,that i saw,  are using martingaling position sizes, effectively gambling, but not trading.I am here  to have some profitable trading  EAS coded , then I spend time to relax by switching off on a forum.One of the good things on this site is the freelance section, back testing information and mt4 info.

MT4 is very useful, but only if you know about profitable trading.If you do , you can code your profitable trading logic/ or many logics into an EA.If you don't know about how to profit, it is hard finding the right information.


Why is the commercial section in forex factory having 80 % of the threads?They failed and can't make money from trading.

Why are there more signal sellers and ea /indicator sellers  , than I assume real traders?I am talking about all forums and okers forums , and all the regulars on them.

Any real traders here making a profit?

Some forums are sponsored by forex bucket shops; the content on these sites is to mislead new traders. There are no profitable traders on these forums; successful traders don’t hang around amateurs. In the trading gold rush, the biggest posters on forums are the trading gold rush merchants below 

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In the California gold rush It was much more common for people to become wealthy by providing the miners with over-priced food, supplies and services. A store owner was the great beneficiary of this new found wealth. Prices increased rapidly and during this period his store had a turnover of $150,000 a month (almost $4 million in today's money). Another man who made his fortune from the gold rush. He owned a store . Trade increased dramatically during the years that followed the discovery of gold. It is claimed that he made so much money that he never needed to work again.

Unfortunately dreams doesn't works and mostly peoples loose , dream can be turning balance into double in very short time etc , Using high leverage etc 

Indeed their successful traders but they running with planing with annual growth so so they don't dreams but sets their targets , A successful trading is just a simple trading but demands more waiting sessions. There no govt money involve as stock sum of all traders money and only 10% can win , if all win then who will loose ? Hope you got my point. 


Why is the commercial section in forex factory having 80 % of the threads?They failed and can't make money from trading.

Why are there more signal sellers and ea /indicator sellers  , than I assume real traders?I am talking about all forums and okers forums , and all the regulars on them.

Any real traders here making a profit?

Some forums are sponsored by forex bucket shops; the content on these sites is to mislead new traders. There are no profitable traders on these forums; successful traders don’t hang around amateurs. In the trading gold rush, the biggest posters on forums are the trading gold rush merchants below 

... [spam offtopic words were deleted by moderator] ...

In the California gold rush It was much more common for people to become wealthy by providing the miners with over-priced food, supplies and services. A store owner was the great beneficiary of this new found wealth. Prices increased rapidly and during this period his store had a turnover of $150,000 a month (almost $4 million in today's money). Another man who made his fortune from the gold rush. He owned a store . Trade increased dramatically during the years that followed the discovery of gold. It is claimed that he made so much money that he never needed to work again.

Traders who make serious profits will never have any interest to let you know that they are profitable, it is a psychological make up of succesful traders. The reason is also that to make those profits they consumed money capital (with risk control) and psychological capital (with emotion control) so that are no free gained money; why they should come and tell you that they are profitable? Have you ever seen a worker come to you and let you know that he earned his salary?

Now, if you ask this question I think you are not the typical profitable trader.


Traders who make serious profits will never have any interest to let you know that they are profitable, it is a psychological make up of succesful traders. The reason is also that to make those profits they consumed money capital (with risk control) and psychological capital (with emotion control) so that are no free gained money; why they should come and tell you that they are profitable? Have you ever seen a worker come to you and let you know that he earned his salary?

Now, if you ask this question I think you are not the typical profitable trader.

I ask this question, because 80 % of the threads on forums are to do with selling to the 20%, 80 % of content on forex factory is in commercial section.That leaves 20 % for new traders, learners etc, leaving very few % for traders.Then I become curious, if 95% can not make money from trading, the people I am discussing with are mainly the 95%  . 19 out of 20 people.

So I was curious and  I asked, if any of you are making money. I don't think any trader  making real money, has time for forums

If forex factory have  2500 systems for free, ,and eas are systems , and most EAS fail, then most systems on forex factory fail.That can explain why 95 % fail.But are any real & profitable traders posting on forex factory? Would they have time for the 95%?

Now I know penny is a profitable trader for 5 days.

One day I will start a thread showing "how to make profitable EAS"


I ask this question, because 80 % of the threads on forums are to do with selling to the 20%, 80 % of content on forex factory is in commercial section.That leaves 20 % for new traders, learners etc, leaving very few % for traders.Then I become curious, if 95% can not make money from trading, the people I am discussing with are mainly the 95%  . 19 out of 20 people.

So I was curious and  I asked, if any of you are making money. I don't think any trader  making real money, has time for forums

If forex factory have  2500 systems for free, ,and eas are systems , and most EAS fail, then most systems on forex factory fail.That can explain why 95 % fail.But are any real & profitable traders posting on forex factory? Would they have time for the 95%?

Now I know penny is a profitable trader for 5 days.

One day I will start a thread showing "how to make profitable EAS"

This is a silly deduction. The world is varied and you cannot come at any conclusion, statistics etc.. Profitable traders exist (even if they are a minority) and they can also participate in forums, but their attitude is skeptical and modest, humble in fact they are maked up that way because experience taught them caution and above all experience taught them that they should never consider themselves as "heroes" they have no ego, they will never let you know that this month or year have accumulated X profits for example.


This is a silly deduction. The world is varied and you cannot come at any conclusion, statistics etc.. Profitable traders exist (even if they are a minority) and they can also participate in forums, but their attitude is skeptical and modest, humble in fact they are maked up that way because experience taught them caution and above all experience taught them that they should never consider themselves as "heroes" they have no ego, they will never let you know that this month or year have accumulated X profits for example.

Eventhough his deduction sounds harse its not that incomplete .
For instance in this particular forum we exchange ideas on techniques and theory , i know many participants who's plan is to reach a certain amount of capital and then focus on the mysteries of the market . 
I agree with your points on ego , ones path in his field of expertise may start with "i'll show  them" but it eventually becomes so frustrating that when (and if)
the outcome is reached they just exhale "finally". By all means , i'm not implying profitability in trading .

Lorentzos Roussos:

Eventhough his deduction sounds harse its not that incomplete .
For instance in this particular forum we exchange ideas on techniques and theory , i know many participants who's plan is to reach a certain amount of capital and then focus on the mysteries of the market . 
I agree with your points on ego , ones path in his field of expertise may start with "i'll show  them" but it eventually becomes so frustrating that when (and if)
the outcome is reached they just exhale "finally". By all means , i'm not implying profitability in trading .

If a good trader can earn a simple 30 pips consistently a day from trading , a trader can become a billionaire in 5 years. They would not need to sell anything.

People selling stuff, when they ot profitable, is like the blind leading the blind.compounding

Lorentzos Roussos:

Having entered the field via clicking on a blogpost with ferraris houses and beautiful women , i cannot fully disagree with your statement that if one is selling a solution that person's solution does not solve the problem.You probably have experienced (as most) the legions of analysts and courses and techniques and maybe even tools that promise success.

A field where the desired outcome is crystal clear (example : your image) and the viable solution is not 100% clear ,tends to attract several "characters" in its orbit.
Some of these characters are purely taking advantage of the "thirst" and the "i want to believe" that newcomers have for the perfect solution.
Its a nuanced situation though.
For instance , Albert Einstein worked in the Swiss patent office and was exposed to ideas that pushed him toward conceptualizing his special relativity theory.
That occupation allowed him to survive and be inspired at the same time.You may argue that Einstein were not shouting from the rooftops that he had a brilliant idea before he actually conceived it , even after.
Again , by all means , i dont aim to equate all participants here with Einstein , nor point to the opposite.

My point is , the more time you devote on research on a specific field the more solutions you may explore .Without having "data" about each individual in these forums either , i will assume coders , freelancers and users come here in order to exchange , share and learn from each other.
Offcourse theres the promotional factor here and there .
For instance , the excel curve you posted might cause someone to seek a way to make 30Pips a day 3 times  a day  , it does not matter you start the system at 100000$ , if they started lower the outcome would be desirable.

Heres a nuanced dilemma :
If a user asks a coder to turn an idea into an EA , paid or not , should the coder refuse as the statistics point to the assumption that it will probably 
be garbage ?
That certain user , how will he evolve his idea (without evaluating it first) if noone codes it for them ?
Heres a wild deduction , merely formed by assumption upon assumtion : You are suggesting that all of us who are not making money in forex should stop 
attempting and entertaining possible solutions due to the fact is futile to even try.

I like your debating nature to be honest . Curiosity is power ;)