??? = MQL5 (MQL4(ObjectType());


I need help to convert " if (ObjectType(name) != OBJ_HLINE); " into MQL5 format.

I couldn't find any informations about it.

Thank you in advance.


I need help to convert " if (ObjectType(name) != OBJ_HLINE); " into MQL5 format.

I couldn't find any informations about it.

Thank you in advance.

Try ObjectGetInteger() with OBJPROP_TYPE, which returns an ENUM_OBJECT.
Anthony Garot:
Try ObjectGetInteger() with OBJPROP_TYPE, which returns an ENUM_OBJECT.

Thank you very much for your quick reply.

I wrote: 

" if (ObjectGetInteger (0, name, OBJPROP_TYPE) == OBJ_HLINE) "

and it worked!

conversion succeeded