Experts: Automated Trading System "Сombo" - page 2


I can see that your BTS is returning the CCI value , can you explain further please?

Usually my BTS return a sell or a buy order not a value...


 Astragalus: Can you explain us what you understand please, to make everybody understand. Thanks in advance.


I can see that your BTS is returning the CCI value , can you explain further please?

Usually my BTS return a sell or a buy order not a value...

if (BTS_Value > 0) {
} else {


Thank you very much for your answer, now i understand better. This article and code about neural networks is by far the best I have found on internet. Thanks very much for that!



Can you also explain us also where we could find more information about perceptrons and how to program them? what about a neural network with more layers, will it be more accurate? Is there any books on the subject (in english) you can recommend?

Thanks again for your help,



When the optimisation of the BTS and the learning phase of the Perceptrons are finished to which value should be PASS set ?


Can you also explain us also where we could find more information about perceptrons and how to program them? what about a neural network with more layers, will it be more accurate? Is there any books on the subject (in english) you can recommend?

Thanks again for your help,


IMHO best of the best book about neural networks is:

Chris Naylor "Build your own expert system" - John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 1987

Old, but very urgent

I very like your Combo_EA, Open many position buy & sell in both direction;

Just my 2cent personal request; Can you create this EA open multi position (buy1, buy2, buy3, etc ..... or sell1, sell2, sell3, etc...)

and add 'Close All position' when the last position hit TSL. I feel  unhappy to see open position will be close when hit TP instead next

buy or sell position will be open until high or low level

Thank You

Thanks for the book reference Reshetov.
You cant read Neural network in the capital markets ,paul refenes,


Thanks for the effort, but I notice in the code, you have made a big mistake, that in every perceptron, you have "Close[0]".

You CAN'T use Close[0] in the code, because you can't get it when "start()" is called when a new bar is opened. This is a serious mistake that will make the system only work in backtest, and loose real money in trading. So please don't use this system for living trading.

You can't see the future, because close[0] is in the future.

When Close[0] is changed to Close[1] or Open[0], the result is very bad. But if any correction is made, please let me know. Thanks!

There is a discussion about Close[0], which can be found here. Hope this helps.