How check if ticket is closed order ???


Hi at all!

sorry but:


It return always true! But intMyTicket is a int Ticket of a opened order.

Another way, with OrderClose() of same opened order si always a actual price

How can check if ticket is closed order ???

Thanks at all!



When you select by ticket, the MODE parameter is ignored.

Check the OrderCloseTime()

If it equals 0 the order is still open

Keith Watford:

When you select by ticket, the MODE parameter is ignored.

                       wow! Interesting! I don't knew it! TNX!!!

Keith Watford:

Check the OrderCloseTime()

If it equals 0 the order is still open

                        okey, i will testing with use it!

very very THANKS!

Have a Nice Day!


@Keith Watford

so perfect !!!


(sorry for my code, it is test-debug and development)

very very THANKS!

Have a Nice Day!

Keith Watford:

When you select by ticket, the MODE parameter is ignored.

Check the OrderCloseTime()

If it equals 0 the order is still open

this saved my day