15 min after datetime


Hi there,
I need to find time after a "datetime".
Exactly 15 min after a by-hand-pre-defined datetime.

The datetime is not a multiple of "15 min".
It begins 1 min before the previous hour and it ends 15 min after.
here in the image below what i need to do :

How can I do this please ?

Kind regards.


datetime is just a big integer, add 15*60 to your predefined time

Also you can use 15*MathFloor(somedatetime/15) for beginning of 15 min candle or TimeToStruct for properly defined hours and minutes.


datetime is just a big integer, add 15*60 to your predefined time

Also you can use 15*MathFloor(somedatetime/15) for beginning of 15 min candle or TimeToStruct for properly defined hours and minutes.

Thank you, I will search this way.

See you soon.