How to get value of an object in a chart - page 2


Hi all,

I need help as follows:

1) There are numerous Objects in the chart, I am interested to get value of the object on a specific bar of the chart. 

2) Object with the names, as an example, "XYZ04", "XYZ110", "XYZ005"  appear on the chart, therefore I know the prefix, but I do not know the suffix which could be 112, 198, 110,13, etc. 

The methodology could be:

1) Determine all the objects with suffix "XYZ" in the chart.

2) Check which one is on the specific bar and get its value.

I went through various ObjectGet, ObjectFind functions but could not put them together to get my desired result.

Appreciate help to resolve the problem


 int total=ObjectsTotal(); 
   string obj_name="";string a1,a2;
     for(int i=0;i<total;i++) 
        a1=StringSubstr(obj_name,0,3); // XYX
        a2=StringSubstr(obj_name,3,StringLen(obj_name)-3); // 04
        Print(a1," ",a2," ",ObjectDescription(obj_name)); // value XYZ04
        if (obj_name=="XYZ04") Print(ObjectDescription(obj_name)); 

Amazing!! With the help of the codes and comments posted by all of you, I could come up with the required code. 

Attaching a file that has the required code. If I key in the Prefix and the bar to look at, I get the value of the object if an object with the prefix is found on the specified bar.

I need the code to execute at the beginning of a new bar, after we are into the new bar for a specified time. (minutes/seconds as a variable). Some helpful code is available here, but beyond my understanding. - execute every minute.

Appreciate a second round of help from all of you.



Amazing!! With the help of the codes and comments posted by all of you, I could come up with the required code. 

Attaching a file that has the required code. If I key in the Prefix and the bar to look at, I get the value of the object if an object with the prefix is found on the specified bar.

I need the code to execute at the beginning of a new bar, after we are into the new bar for a specified time. (minutes/seconds as a variable). Some helpful code is available here, but beyond my understanding. - execute every minute.

Appreciate a second round of help from all of you.


//|                                         .mq4 |
//|                         |

#property indicator_chart_window

extern int Shift = 15;
extern  string Prefix="";

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators


//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |

int deinit()

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
bool NewBar()
   static datetime lastbar;
   datetime curbar = Time[0];
      return (true);

int start() {

  int length=StringLen(Prefix);
int total=ObjectsTotal(); 
   string obj_name="";string a1,a2;
     for(int i=0;i<total;i++) 
        a1=StringSubstr(obj_name,0,length); // XYX
        a2=StringSubstr(obj_name,length,StringLen(obj_name)-length); // 04
        Comment("Sorry desired object not found!!");
        if (a1 == Prefix && ObjectGetValueByShift(obj_name, Shift) >0){
        Comment("Success!! value of ",obj_name, " =  " ,ObjectGetValueByShift(obj_name,Shift));}
        if  (a1 == Prefix && ObjectGetValueByShift(obj_name, Shift) >0)
        break ;

  // - execute every minute