Moore's law predict that every 2 years technology doubles, does it apply to forex too? - page 3

Joel Simmons:
When i use to daytrade, i found that computer glasses helpped a lot. It less strain on your eyes. Years ago i use to be one of those people that had 6 monitors, 4 for trading, one for internet, 1 for netflix. Lol. I would get daily headaches but then i got computer glasses it it helped a lot. You can google gunner glasses. They really work. 

6 monitors, hehe ATI Eye Infinity comes to my mind :) So, manual daytrade is something so much demanding I can not even think about it right now. Of course a person can adapt to pretty much whatever it considers crucial to its survival, but speaking for my self, I would prefer let computers do the hard work.

Last, I will become a little bit geeky and say that a good monitor is a must anyway; but there are some catches IMO. Companies want to offer something new all the time, because they do think this is the way to go for keep selling products. But I do not like that idea, especially when new products hit the market all the time for no good reason. For example, who  needs 24" 4K monitors (not to say 4K smartphones), who needs a so called "HDR" and the expanded color space it can bring on. People should be OK with a IPS / PLS panel with SRGB color gamut :)


Demos Stogios:

6 monitors, hehe ATI Eye Infinity comes to my mind :) So, manual daytrade is something so much demanding I can not even think about it right now. Of course a person can adapt to pretty much whatever it considers crucial to its survival, but speaking for my self, I would prefer let computers do the hard work.

Last, I will become a little bit geeky and say that a good monitor is a must anyway; but there are some catches IMO. Companies want to offer something new all the time, because they do think this is the way to go for keep selling products. But I do not like that idea, especially when new products hit the market all the time for no good reason. For example, who  needs 24" 4K monitors (not to say 4K smartphones), who needs a so called "HDR" and the expanded color space it can bring on. People should be OK with a IPS / PLS panel with SRGB color gamut :)


I totally agree with what you saying. LOL. I was trying to make the point earlier that technology is constantly updating, to the point that we cant find enough uses for it. Much like a car that can go 200mph, but you are in city traffic all the time. I think companies like to sell on what a technology CAN do, even though most people only need 20%. I learned to let computers do the work as well and no longer manual trade, but even then i cant justify purchases a new computer specifically for trading. So what i do instead is only purchase gaming PC's. At least in my mind this is more worth the cost (and they are cheaper than so-called trading PC's). Video games are the only "normal consumer technology" that takes advantage of hardware updates.  Everything else is all marketing tactics.