Moore's law predict that every 2 years technology doubles, does it apply to forex too? - page 2

Marco vd Heijden:

You don't need a 8 core i-7 gaming type PC for trading.

It just goes to show that some people are selfish enough to place their selves above others, and that they will go to any length to justify their behavior.

Here we have small village that has a saying 'all for the child' it's about mom's and dad's working effortlessly to provide their kid with anything they need to succeed in life.

In this village you will find the 18 yo kid driving the Lamborghini, where as in other villages nearby, you will only find 18 yo kids with only the dream to drive that Lamborghini.

These can also become Lamborghini drivers but usually at the age of 40+ and many people laugh at them and their grey hair when they drive through town, it just doesn't look right.

Quite the difference.

I'm not sure which way is best i mean some claim it's also bad to spoil them, but i don't want my son to be that 40+ driver either.

Im so confused.  First, one does not need it for trading no, but backtesting and optimaztion using multiple terminals yes. If you agree that it is not needed for trading, then why are then disagreeing with a hand me down to a 7 and 9 year old? How does this not conflict your argument?  Or are you saying this community has so much money that you domt care about such things? Is that case, why not just buy your relative the voilian regardless to what you brother does? He is family and it seems like you love to spend money just because, so i think helping you family is a worthy cause is it not? I also do not beleive that this small community has so much money, but rather the opposite. The real players dont need to sell procucts becuase it would be not worth their time to support them. Signals perhaps they would do. But i domt think everyone has so much money as your assuming. Click my profile, i have multiple custom ea jobs i could sell for
 Ea i had created over the years. Strategies that are not gimmicks, they actually work. But it would a waste of time for me to sell and support them. 
I think forex is more predictable than crypto..You can analyze it's trend using market news or technical indicators, but it's different on crypto. People just follow the hype to buy more crypto and they will sell base on hype too.
Joel Simmons:

Im so confused.  First, one does not need it for trading no, but backtesting and optimaztion using multiple terminals yes. If you agree that it is not needed for trading, then why are then disagreeing with a hand me down to a 7 and 9 year old? How does this not conflict your argument?  Or are you saying this community has so much money that you domt care about such things? Is that case, why not just buy your relative the voilian regardless to what you brother does? He is family and it seems like you love to spend money just because, so i think helping you family is a worthy cause is it not? I also do not beleive that this small community has so much money, but rather the opposite. The real players dont need to sell procucts becuase it would be not worth their time to support them. Signals perhaps they would do. But i domt think everyone has so much money as your assuming. Click my profile, i have multiple custom ea jobs i could sell for
 Ea i had created over the years. Strategies that are not gimmicks, they actually work. But it would a waste of time for me to sell and support them. 

Is it hard to understand, the best goes to your son, and if not, you are being selfish.

You say helping you family is a worthy cause, but you are handing them your own garbage ?? wicked

Yes he could have been the next great programmer of the century, but his father didn't give in, he had to run some useless back tests.

If you have something that works, you should stick to it.

There is no need to run endless backtests, it's a waste of time and resources.

PS my father teached me BASIC when i was 5 on a 64 Kilobyte machine, it has made all the difference.


I keep seeing you guys talk about cores, ram etc., but what about some other aspects? A PC is not only about speed, but also about ease of use. Especially, if we talk about laptops, it is really hard to find one with IPS screen, and I am talking about the present; in the past it could be almost impossible. Anyway, I am not a fan of laptops, but even in a desktop, I can see there are still crappy screens being sold to the public, which IMO is a shame.

I am referring about screens all the time, but I am doing so because I believe it has been a really problematic part of the PC world as it has been the main output device. But normal screens were in the range of 500-800 dollars (euro  pounds, whatever), where today we can find the same for about 150 and also of a bigger size. Other than that, we may be happy as we have mechanical keyboards, which may be a significant part of a computer as well (but I do not have one hehe).

If technology duplicates every two years, does it also mean that forex market trading robots will become better, making the marker ever harder to profit? If the answer is yes then in 10 years, forex market will become 32x harder to profit, is that correct?

Your points are meaningless.

Trading robots rely on 2 things, the signal/trading algorithm and the skill of the programmer so that the algorithm is implemented correctly.

Ideas for trading algorithms are not technology based and will not double every 2 years.

if forex market trading robots will become better, doesn't that mean that they will make more profit?

Marco vd Heijden:

Is it hard to understand, the best goes to your son, and if not, you are being selfish.

You say helping you family is a worthy cause, but you are handing them your own garbage ?? wicked

Yes he could have been the next great programmer of the century, but his father didn't give in, he had to run some useless back tests.

If you have something that works, you should stick to it.

There is no need to run endless backtests, it's a waste of time and resources.

PS my father teached me BASIC when i was 5 on a 64 Kilobyte machine, it has made all the difference.

I think i just noticed, you must not have kids to know what im getting at. You made a comment earlier about buying a lamborgini for a 18 year old. Its either you dont have kids or you never owned/drove a Lamborgini, because if you did you would know how irresponsible it is to have your 18 year ild driving one by him/herself. You might as well give your child a loaded gun and tell them to point at their head. If you ever had one (or a ferriri) i sure you been offered the class and which they go over this. So again, perhaps you just dont have kids and your not seeing my point, which was related to the article in terms of how fast technology doubles. Its to the point where even “shitty” pc takes years to outdate based on “needs” is my entire point. 
Demos Stogios:


I keep seeing you guys talk about cores, ram etc., but what about some other aspects? A PC is not only about speed, but also about ease of use. Especially, if we talk about laptops, it is really hard to find one with IPS screen, and I am talking about the present; in the past it could be almost impossible. Anyway, I am not a fan of laptops, but even in a desktop, I can see there are still crappy screens being sold to the public, which IMO is a shame.

I am referring about screens all the time, but I am doing so because I believe it has been a really problematic part of the PC world as it has been the main output device. But normal screens were in the range of 500-800 dollars (euro  pounds, whatever), where today we can find the same for about 150 and also of a bigger size. Other than that, we may be happy as we have mechanical keyboards, which may be a significant part of a computer as well (but I do not have one hehe).

When i use to daytrade, i found that computer glasses helpped a lot. It less strain on your eyes. Years ago i use to be one of those people that had 6 monitors, 4 for trading, one for internet, 1 for netflix. Lol. I would get daily headaches but then i got computer glasses it it helped a lot. You can google gunner glasses. They really work. 
Keith Watford:

Your points are meaningless.

Trading robots rely on 2 things, the signal/trading algorithm and the skill of the programmer so that the algorithm is implemented correctly.

Ideas for trading algorithms are not technology based and will not double every 2 years.

if forex market trading robots will become better, doesn't that mean that they will make more profit?

Yes new ideas for trading algorithms are based on processing power nowadays, they use AI - machine learning-  to discover profitable patterns
Yes new ideas for trading algorithms are based on processing power nowadays, they use AI - machine learning-  to discover profitable patterns

AI may well be able to discover profitable patterns in the past. That doesn't mean that it will necessarily be any better at predicting future profitable price movements.

I repeat myself

If technology duplicates every two years, does it also mean that forex market trading robots will become better, making the marker ever harder to profit? If the answer is yes then in 10 years, forex market will become 32x harder to profit, is that correct?

if trading robots become better and more accurate, surely that will make it easier to profit?

Keith Watford:

AI may well be able to discover profitable patterns in the past. That doesn't mean that it will necessarily be any better at predicting future profitable price movements.

I repeat myself

If technology duplicates every two years, does it also mean that forex market trading robots will become better, making the marker ever harder to profit? If the answer is yes then in 10 years, forex market will become 32x harder to profit, is that correct?

if trading robots become better and more accurate, surely that will make it easier to profit?

maybe the opposite, more transistors scanning strategies, more competition, so less profit