Moore's law predict that every 2 years technology doubles, does it apply to forex too?

If technology duplicates every two years, does it also mean that forex market trading robots will become better, making the marker ever harder to profit? If the answer is yes then in 10 years, forex market will become 32x harder to profit, is that correct?
If technology duplicates every two years, does it also mean that forex market trading robots will become better, making the marker ever harder to profit? If the answer is yes then in 10 years, forex market will become 16x harder to profit, is that correct?

how do you expect people to answer to your question?
...and maybe you need to workout on your math :p

Mohamad Zulhairi Baba:

how do you expect people to answer to your question?
...and maybe you need to workout on your math :p

you are right, no way to measure the increase of difficulty in forex
I believe technology and trading bots are not correlated. Why traders depend on robots, which are a proxy of themselves? Instead they can depend on them. 
Zee Zhou Ma:

No matter how perfect trading robots may become, it can only reach at most 49.99999% true win ratio. The remaining of it is for lessons to be learnt.

There will still be money opportunity to be made when others have failed.

why 49,999% instead of 99.99...% ?

Most people on this site still use MT4. HAHAHA.   So the law that says people won't change must be overtaking technology im guessing.

I only trade strategies that work at least 10 years (many longer than that). Unfortunately, there are all longer terms to profit, as intraday seems to change how they work with you stated.......its getting harder to filter out all the noise. So my strategies choose not to deal with noise and hold on to trades for longer. 

I still dont understand most people to spend so much money on Apple computers when all they do is going on Facebook and type a few papers for school. Why do you need such technology? I have a daughter who is 7 who uses a laptop older then she is and she can still do everything (including run windows 10). The only time i purchase new hardware is if old one o breaks to where it is cheaper (or less timely) to simply replace. Even then, i dont rush to get my kids the newest thing, we do hand-me-downs. I purchase myself the newest (because i trade and do videos), and when my wife gets my PC, she is amazed how fast it is, then my wife laptop goes to my son, that is amazed how fast his is, so on and so forth. so cheap.....i know.


That is rather selfish.

It makes me think of my brother in law.

His daughter wanted a violin but they came home with an electric guitar, not for her, but for him.

All he ever does is think about himself.

I see the child becoming a famous violinist, but he made sure it's not gonna happen.

Same goes for your son, what if he is supposed to be the next best programmer in the world ?

And you put him on that old shitty third hand slow hardware.

So you can make some useless video's yourself.

Well done.

Marco vd Heijden:

That is rather selfish.

It makes me think of my brother in law.

His daughter wanted a violin but they came home with an electric guitar, not for her, but for him.

All he ever does is think about himself.

I see the child becoming a famous violinist, but he made sure it's not gonna happen.

Same goes for your son, what if he is supposed to be the next best programmer in the world ?

And you put him on that old shitty third hand slow hardware.

So you can make some useless video's yourself.

Well done.

This is a stupid response.

If i have a 8 core i-7 gaming type PC (from this form you can assume i trade, and therefore have an above average spec PC),  that i am handing down, how exactly is this messing with his productivity? Or my 7 year old who youtubes all day with her Quad core , 8 ram SSD laptop? Is that extra 1 second gone to set some course to lead them to the poor house? Or are you justifying paying 1700 for that Apple laptop to type up some MS word documents? I dont see how what your stating justifs assuming that i would hand over a shitty hardward. In that case, i hope your not using MT4, because its older then any PC i have :)  

Marco vd Heijden:

I see the child becoming a famous violinist, but he made sure it's not gonna happen.

Not necessarily. A violin could be supplied through an avuncular gesture.

Zee Zhou Ma:

A coin flip is theoretically 50% win ratio. You have to take the other side of losing into account.

In reality, you can never reach 50% win ratio when you compute the win ratio after a finite number of throws. 

In forex, it is either you win or you lose. Each trade is independent of each other, and so it is also theoretically 50%. 

However, If you speak to a martingale trader, he will tell you it is 99.99% win ratio. Or even someone who seems to trade profitably on a market structure and deduce it is better than 50%.

See this article for all the cognitive bias a trader can have.

thanks, great article
Joel Simmons:

This is a stupid response.

If i have a 8 core i-7 gaming type PC (from this form you can assume i trade, and therefore have an above average spec PC),  that i am handing down, how exactly is this messing with his productivity? Or my 7 year old who youtubes all day with her Quad core , 8 ram SSD laptop? Is that extra 1 second gone to set some course to lead them to the poor house? Or are you justifying paying 1700 for that Apple laptop to type up some MS word documents? I dont see how what your stating justifs assuming that i would hand over a shitty hardward. In that case, i hope your not using MT4, because its older then any PC i have :)  

You don't need a 8 core i-7 gaming type PC for trading.

It just goes to show that some people are selfish enough to place their selves above others, and that they will go to any length to justify their behavior.

Here we have small village that has a saying 'all for the child' it's about mom's and dad's working effortlessly to provide their kid with anything they need to succeed in life.

In this village you will find the 18 yo kid driving the Lamborghini, where as in other villages nearby, you will only find 18 yo kids with only the dream to drive that Lamborghini.

These can also become Lamborghini drivers but usually at the age of 40+ and many people laugh at them and their grey hair when they drive through town, it just doesn't look right.

Quite the difference.

I'm not sure which way is best i mean some claim it's also bad to spoil them, but i don't want my son to be that 40+ driver either.