What is the purpose of this forum ? - page 3

  1. There is no one here with any obligations. This is a user forum, not Metaquotes.
  2. I would delete your account if I could. I've added you to my do not help list as I don't help rude, arrogant, or ignorant persons.
  3. You expect everyone to bow down and do things  for you. There are no slaves here. It is you that must change if you want people to try and help you. You are a snow flake that steams at the first sign of heat. You are a baby throwing a temper-tantrum.

And the most funny is I have no idea why he gets mad like that. I don't even read his posts which are just waste of time.

  1. There is no one here with any obligations. This is a user forum, not Metaquotes. Therefor no one should ever help you, by your own statements. I've added you to my do not help list as I don't help rude, arrogant, or ignorant persons. You expect everyone to bow down and do things for you. There are no slaves here. It is you that must change if you want people to try and help you.
  2. I would delete your account if I could. You are a snow flake that steams at the first sign of heat. You are a baby throwing a temper-tantrum.

"1. There is no one here with any obligations."

DEAD WRONG: PennySeven is here with the obligation of being reasonable and acting in a generally accepted way. :-)

"You expect everyone to bow down and do things for you."

DEAD WRONG. I only expect people to be reasonable and do things in a generally accepted way. Nothing more than that. :-)

"You are a snow flake that steams at the first sign of heat. You are a baby throwing a temper-tantrum."

DEAD WRONG. I only expect people to be reasonable and do things in a generally accepted way. Nothing more than that. :-)

BTW EuroDollar produced 39% profit today till now, and counting .....

Alain Verleyen:

And the most funny is I have no idea why he gets mad like that. I don't even read his posts which are just waste of time.

Wrong term (the "mad") ...

Not "mad". But "rightfully expecting to be served" :)


If you have ZERO obligation here, then please SIR, go away. You have ZERO obligation here, BUT you have the power to delete my contributions to this forum - which you have done in the past. There is a LOT wrong with your core values.

I suggest you leave this forum NOW if you were to keep on professing the view that you have ZERO OBLIGATION here.

There is ZERO respect and acceptance for you being a MODERATOR on this forum when you have the extremely negative view that you have ZERO obligation here. Please leave this forum for good and never come back. 

OR accept that you are expected to act in a reasonable, generally acceptable manner and are expected to specifically state and acknowledge that.

Otherwise, LEAVE NOW !!

You are completely welcome to delete my account RIGHT NOW!! :-)

Go ahead and have your cheap thrill!! Delete my account!!

I dare you!! Delete my account RIGHT NOW!! Mr ZERO OBLIGATION moderator!!

Isn't your post (as a first post at this thread) rather strange? I mean : it seems as if it is referring to some answer to you personally, but I fail to see that anybody have answered to you exactly since you did not post prior to that post. Or, am I wrong? In which case it becomes a completely different "story"

Can you please direct us to the first post of your at this thread that caused such a reaction (as in the post quoted above) so that we all are enlightened what was the exact reason for a reaction like that?

Mladen Rakic:

Wrong term (the "mad") ...

Not "mad". But "rightfully expecting to be served" :)

I have learnt, yes, with a little help from this forum, how to serve myself very well, thank you. :-)


I have learnt, with just a little help from this forum, how to serve myself very well, thank you. :-)

To "serve yourself"? That explains all

All the best

Mladen Rakic:

To "serve yourself"? That explains all

All the best

I simply believe all of us, including Moderator Alain Verleyen, have the obligation to conduct ourselves in a reasonable and generally accepted way. I think it is very arrogant to state very confidently on this forum as a moderator that you have ZERO OBLIGATION on this forum, when you participate on this forum, as moderator or otherwise.

EuroDollar Sell is Stochasticly Divergent and appears to be a valid Sell for the last day trading profit move.

Today´s profit so far: 39% and counting .......

39% compares rather badly to the 40% + profit two days ago and the 49% profit yesterday. 

However, 39% profit today after 40% two days ago and 49% yesterday are not bad, what do you think?

Euro still going down .....

I must be an extra-terrestrial. I see the market differently. I am red/green colour blind like 12.5% of all men, but that does not explain my strange view of the market.


I must be an extra-terrestrial.

It seems to me you are right.

Petr Nosek:

It seems to me you are right.

It's a hard day for me, I always thought extraterrestrial would be smart and polite. ;-)

I simply believe all of us, including Moderator Alain Verleyen, have the obligation to conduct ourselves in a reasonable and generally accepted way. I think it is very arrogant to state very confidently on this forum as a moderator that you have ZERO OBLIGATION on this forum, when you participate on this forum, as moderator or otherwise.

Frankly, I do not think so.

But that might be simply because I am around forum(s) for a long, long time, and because I have been labeled in a similar manner a lot of times - just for being a moderator at (some already non-existing) forums :)

I suggest that we leave this thing as is - un-answered since the answer to this threads question (and it is one of the standard "questions" that is always used for the same purpose) is so obvious that the mere question was having just one (even more obvious) purpose : to cause a reaction that then could be misused, and that is, by no means, the purpose of this forum (at least that is my opinion). After all : we all need a peaceful and quiet place where we get to see what is happening in the things that we all are supposed to be doing, not what should be thrown next on each other.

A wish a nice and calm weekend to all :)