Need some help with some MT5 code


I'm trying to get an alert to include the time frame the alert has gone of in. I get an error saying the number to string conversion and the actual alert says BuyNZDUSD16392 (the numbers are the conversion but how do I get it to say H8 or H12 D1)

I tried PERIOD_CURRENT this did not work 

alert issue


I'm trying to get an alert to include the time frame the alert has gone of in. I get an error saying the number to string conversion and the actual alert says BuyNZDUSD16392 (the numbers are the conversion but how do I get it to say H8 or H12 D1)

I tried PERIOD_CURRENT this did not work 

Use EnumToString();

txt = "Buy" + _Symbol + EnumToString(_Period);

It worked

Thank you so much @Lakshan Perera

Always write self-documenting code
string as_string(ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE price, int len=0){
   string price_XXX = EnumToString(price);                     // PRICE_XXX
   return StringSubstr(price_XXX, 6, len);                     // XXX
string   as_string(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES period){
   if(period == PERIOD_CURRENT)  period   = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES) _Period;
   string   period_xxx  = EnumToString(period);                // PERIOD_XXX
   return StringSubstr(period_xxx, 7);                         // XXX
string   as_string(ENUM_MA_METHOD p, int len=0){
   string mode_XXX = EnumToString(p);                          // MODE_XXX
   return StringSubstr(mode_XXX, 5, len);                      // XXX
string   lots_as_string( double lots){ return DoubleToString(lots, gDigitsLots);  }
string   price_as_string(double price){return DoubleToString(price, _Digits);     }
string   pips_as_string( double pips, string plusSign="+"){
   return to_signed_fixed(pips, gDigitsPip, plusSign);                         }
string   to_signed_fixed(double value, int nDecimals, string plusSign="+"){
   if(value < 0.) plusSign = "";
   return plusSign + DoubleToString(value, nDecimals);
<Edited by moderator: mql4 code on a mql5 topic> No it's not, it's generic.
Always write self-documenting code
Please pay attention to what you post. Your code doesn't compile as mql5.
Alain Verleyen: Please pay attention to what you post. Your code doesn't compile as mql5.

Neither did the previous post.


Neither did the previous post.

What do you mean?

Neither did the previous post.

You are arguing for nothing. The previous post is fine with mql5.

Really? EnumToString(anInt) compiles? I don't think so.

It was you that started the argument "Please pay attention to what you post. Your code doesn't compile as mql5." My post was about self-documenting code. You brought up a nit.


Really? EnumToString(anInt) compiles? I don't think so.

It was you that started the argument "Please pay attention to what you post. Your code doesn't compile as mql5." My post was about self-documenting code. You brought up a nit.

You should try it (EnumToString(_Period)) first and then you should apologize to Alain and Lakshan. As I know you, you can't admit that you are wrong.

BTW your code seems to be self-documenting for you but that is absolutely subjective. If I (and I believe lots of other people too) read your code it seems to me very bad legible. Let everyone do it in his own way.


As before it has worked @Lakshan Perera 

some 1 has recommended i use this. I'm not a coder I paid for the code to be written then when i asked for the message to be edited the coder wanted more money so i thought i would ask.

how would i use the code below. I just want to see which works better  

IntegerToString(Period()) IntegerToString(Symbol())