How to make the ComboBox control like Edit control


How can I make the ComboBox control lets me input data like an Edit control not only by choosing the predefined values by code, but also, typing any value that I want to?.

This control was taken from another software, but the idea is the same. The image in the left side shows predifined values and a value that I typed, and the next shows the ComboBox control that I made with basic code from standard library, in the last case I can only choose the default values but I cannot type any other value that I want to. What should I do to fix this?  Thank you in advance.


//| Create the "ComboBox Symbol" element                                    | 
bool CTest::CreateComboBoxValues(void) 
//--- coordinates 
   int x1=INDENT_LEFT; 
   int x2=x1+GROUP_WIDTH; 
   int y2=y1+EDIT_HEIGHT; 

//--- create 
//--- fill out with strings 
   for(float i=1;i<16;i++) 
      if(!m_values.ItemAdd(DoubleToString(NormalizeDouble(i * 0.01,2)))) 
//--- succeed 
Jhojan Alberto Tobon Monsalve:

How can I make the ComboBox control lets me input data like an Edit control not only by choosing the predefined values by code, but also, typing any value that I want to?.

This control was taken from another software, but the idea is the same. The image in the left side shows predifined values and a value that I typed, and the next shows the ComboBox control that I made with basic code from standard library, in the last case I can only choose the default values but I cannot type any other value that I want to. What should I do to fix this?  Thank you in advance.


Thanks, but I already know how to do this.