Why many retail traders loss in 90 trading days - page 3

Any state regulation is bad, the market should be the only regulator, these new forex regulations are making it less competitive, so the client have a bad service. Leverage is good, actually it's amazing because now we have exponential growth in the markets, that is more potent than % growth only.
I disagree

Limiting wins might be a probate tool to get a constantly rising equity curve. That's self regulation. But I it is wrong when some state prescribes your leverage as the ESMA does. I happily am a Swiss citicen, and (at the moment) exempt from this insane regulations.

The problem with large wins is, that you get greedy, you want more and more and in the end you lose. Mark Douglas says that in such situation you get much hormones (testosteron?) which let you forget about any risks. So you increase risk and lose.

The inverse problem is when you suffer an extraordinary large loss. You try to compensate this loss with bigger risk, which can go wrong. Therefore stop trading after a big loss.

When I turned from a "evening" trader to a full time trader I had to learn this. During the first half year I sometimes lost my whole daily wins and more in the last hour of the Dow Jones

Self regulation of leverage (seen from your account, and not from your brokers leverage) helped me a lot to get weekly and montly positive figures  (Although I am not at all satisfied with my actual performance).

I believe, we tried all kind of trade in the market / kind of pairs. Lets learn and  understand of our all loses error. How to find trading right, with little profits, more and more profits day by day, week by week, month by month, and then evaluate all them. Is there all still alright?. Lets improve it..
There are technical technics, fundamental technics, trading strategy, management risks, tools management risk, market trend, etc. 
We just predict price where market will go on. No anyone knows where market will go right.. Although only guessing five minutes later,,,... Before we enter the market, we must having a trade plan. All our trading plan is a decision we have taken for profits with our right prediction. If it doesnt fit of our plan, we put the stoploss to limit our loses. After that, we evaluate again all of our trading plan. Whats wrong with everything. Improve, improve again untill you get the right trading. (demo account is needed when you test your trading plan untill you much profits, and then go to real account)

I agreed with motto: slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Fast is ... (slowly way to success)

Sorry, in just my opinion.

I am absolutely agree with you :)

Keep up the spirit high.
Have a nice weekend

Yohana Parmi:

I am absolutely agree with you :)

Keep up the spirit high.
Have a nice weekend

Thank you.
Have a nice day....
Roberto Danilo:
thanks for these pearls. I have recently started to approach system trading, I want to develop my trading systems and over time try to make trading my job. Now I do a job that I do not like for 10 hours a day, and I wake up 3 hours before every day to study and program.

Very good Roberto ;) I hope you can do it well

The one and only simple truth is that when you are able to display absolute and flawless self control, it will reflect in your trading account. 

Before learning any strategy, patterns or meeting FX managers, you should meet yourself first, and ask yourself if you’re ready, and if you will adhere to your own rules. 

9 out of 10 times we lose only when we become reckless. So my advise to all on this forum, both pro and newbies, is to find yourself first, then trade second. Good luck to everyone. 
To become consistently profitable, trader needs to concentrate not on making money and just earning, but on doing perfect trades. Each day the main goal is to make the strategy better and to execute all rules. Find the setup that works for you, specify the rules and then perform it. Using such approach it would be easy to find out where is the problem: in the strategy or in trader`s performance.
Consistency count a lot in terms of financial progress...