Problem importing ST EA to Excel - page 2

Try to save a smaller file, with less parameters, and then please try again to open the file in Excel. Don't forget to report the results for us, please.

Problem solved. Somehow file gets corrupted when it is too large.

Thank you for your the engagement.


Problem solved. Somehow file gets corrupted when it is too large.

Thank you for your the engagement.

I hope you a return with this trading system as big as this tester file :-)

I had the same problem here. I couldn´t open the file in Excel, because of the error "Problems During Load". I solved the problem this way:

 - Sorted the data in the ST, leaving the best results in the top

- Exported to Xml. It saves the file, despite the error

- Opened the file in the Notepad, and erased the entire entries  <row> (like example bellow), starting from the bottom, where are the worst results, that would be discarded anyway. Each entry <row> is a line in Excel.

- Save the file, and try to open it in Excel again. If you got the same error, repeat the steps above, and erase some more entries.

After a few entries erased, it opened in Excel, and I preserved the important data. Hope it helps.





<Cell><Data ss:Type="String"> 18, 299</Data></Cell>

<Cell ss:StyleID="ce1"><Data ss:Type="Number">209535.3734</Data></Cell>

<Cell ss:StyleID="ce1"><Data ss:Type="Number">427840.9319</Data></Cell>

<Cell ss:StyleID="ce1"><Data ss:Type="Number">73520.0000</Data></Cell>

<Cell ss:StyleID="ce1"><Data ss:Type="Number">104.7293</Data></Cell>

<Cell ss:StyleID="ce1"><Data ss:Type="Number">2.4582</Data></Cell>

<Cell ss:StyleID="ce1"><Data ss:Type="Number">8.9659</Data></Cell>

<Cell ss:StyleID="ce1"><Data ss:Type="Number">0.3147</Data></Cell>

<Cell><Data ss:Type="Number">209535.37341764761</Data></Cell>

<Cell ss:StyleID="ce1"><Data ss:Type="Number">18.2547</Data></Cell>

<Cell><Data ss:Type="Number">702</Data></Cell>

<Cell><Data ss:Type="Number">4</Data></Cell>

<Cell><Data ss:Type="Number">100</Data></Cell>

<Cell><Data ss:Type="Number">50</Data></Cell>

<Cell><Data ss:Type="Number">0.88</Data></Cell>

<Cell><Data ss:Type="Number">99</Data></Cell>



I had the same problem:

Solution open the file in notepad ++ and replace the non-valid numbers with -1





Had the same problem, I used XMLNotepad to open the xml file, make a small change then save then revert the change and save again I was then able to use an online conversion tool to convert from xml to xlxs which then opened.

Good luck!

XML Notepad provides a simple intuitive User Interface for browsing and editing XML documents. Handy features include: Tree View synchronized with Node Text View for quick editing of node names and values. Incremental search (Ctrl+I) in both tree and text views, so as you type it navigates to matching nodes. Cut/copy/paste with full namespace...