open high low close not matching charts


When I run the script below my values on the chart do not match the output.  I am using NULL for the symbol name parameter of the CopyTime function.  According to the documentation I thought that meant the current chart's currency pair would be used but they do not match.  I have included the script and last line of the output file along with a screen shot of the only chart I have open showing the values of the last candle.

2018.04.09 10:55|1.27910000|1.28010000|1.27903000|1.27918000



#property copyright   "2005-2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link        ""
#property description "Moving Averages Convergence/Divergence"
#property strict

void OnStart()
   int file_handle=FileOpen("m5live.csv",FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV);
   double   ma1O[]; 
   double   ma1H[]; 
   double   ma1L[]; 
   double   ma1C[]; 
   datetime date_buff[]; 
   string   line;
   int copied=CopyTime(NULL,PERIOD_M5,D'2018.02.01 01:01:01',D'2019.01.01 01:01:01',date_buff);
   for(int i=0;i<copied;i++)
      ma1O[i]   =Open[i];
      ma1H[i]   =High[i];
      ma1L[i]   =Low[i];
      ma1C[i]   =Close[i];

When I run the script below my values on the chart do not match the output.  I am using NULL for the symbol name parameter of the CopyTime function.  According to the documentation I thought that meant the current chart's currency pair would be used but they do not match.  I have included the script and last line of the output file along with a screen shot of the only chart I have open showing the values of the last candle.

Your main problem is that you don't read answers in your previous topics.

void OnStart() 
   int file_handle=FileOpen("m5live.csv",FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV);
   double   ma1O[]; 
   double   ma1H[]; 
   double   ma1L[]; 
   double   ma1C[]; 
   datetime date_buff[]; 
   string   line;
   int copied=CopyTime(_Symbol,_Period,D'2018.02.01 01:01:01',D'2019.01.01 01:01:01',date_buff);
   copied=CopyOpen(_Symbol,_Period,D'2018.02.01 01:01:01',D'2019.01.01 01:01:01',ma1O);
   copied=CopyHigh(_Symbol,_Period,D'2018.02.01 01:01:01',D'2019.01.01 01:01:01',ma1H);
   copied=CopyLow(_Symbol,_Period,D'2018.02.01 01:01:01',D'2019.01.01 01:01:01',ma1L);
   copied=CopyClose(_Symbol,_Period,D'2018.02.01 01:01:01',D'2019.01.01 01:01:01',ma1C);
   for(int i=0;i<copied;i++)