which type of member you are here ( are you a coder )?

  • 46% (39)
  • 27% (23)
  • 27% (23)
Total voters: 85
 NO, I can not programming in mql5
My husband program my ideas without forgetting his ... ;-)
 NO, I can not programming in mql5
My husband program my ideas without forgetting his ... ;-)
Lucky you... :)
Lucky you... :)

Ho Yesss!


Amator!!! :D
Amator!!! :D
please write the correct.


YES, but only a hobby. My day-job is taking up most of my times :(


Quite interesting how many coders are here.


Quite interesting how many coders are here.

Yes but it's also interesting to see that traders are here. There was a time where there was almost only coders.
Yes but it's also interesting to see that traders are here. There was a time where there was almost only coders.
Have they left them MQL5, following the discovery "of the" trading robot winner? ... :-) 
Have they left them MQL5, following the discovery "of the" trading robot winner? ... :-) 

There is no winner EA

They don't left, it's traders who comes.