Download of indicators problem with Internet Explorer


Asks for download of app after asking if have MT4 on computer or not.   How do I get past this problem?

Do I need to reset setting somewhere.  Cannot download any free or paid indicators.

Please help.  Thanks!


Install a real browser, delete this abomination called Internet Explorer and (if still not working) reinstall MT4.

Firefox is your friend.


Install a real browser, delete this abomination called Internet Explorer and (if still not working) reinstall MT4.

Firefox is your friend.

I second @kypa's suggestion. Friends don't let friends use Internet Explorer.

Asks for download of app after asking if have MT4 on computer or not.   How do I get past this problem?

Do I need to reset setting somewhere.  Cannot download any free or paid indicators.

Please help.  Thanks!

If you are downloading everything from the Market so your OS should be Windows.
Besides, you should have IE installed (and Metatrader of course).

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