GVs of the Terminal - Error 4058



I have what I thought was defensive code on getting a global variable. Can anyone explain why I got an error 4058 ?

  if (GlobalVariableCheck(GVQualify + "BadTrendLock") == True)
        BadTrendLock = GlobalVariableGet(GVQualify + "BadTrendLock");
        file_err = GetLastError();
        if (BadTrendLock == 0 && file_err != 0)
            Print("Error - ",file_err, " Getting Global Variable GVQualify-BadTrendLock (010)");
            BadTrendLock = True;
            GlobalVariableSet(GVQualify + "BadTrendLock",1);


From the Log :

Error - 4058 Getting Global Variable GVQualify-BadTrendLock (010) 

#define ERR_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND              4058

Create a string variable and put the global variable name inside.  Use that instead of repeated string concats.

Also, print that variable to make sure that GVQualify has the correct value.