I get ERROR 4756 during with using CTrade, Please help MQL5!



I am so new in MQl5 programing, I program it by passing to CTrade Class, and found the error 4756, then I print check detail is follows..

This routine using..


//| Modify specified opened position                                 |


bool CTrade::PositionModify(const ulong ticket,const double sl,const double tp)


//--- check stopped



//--- check position existence



//--- clean


//--- setting request

   m_request.action  =TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;


   m_request.symbol  =PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL);

   m_request.magic   =m_magic;

   m_request.sl      =sl;

   m_request.tp      =tp;


   Print(PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL),"<<",sl,"--",tp,">>",PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP));  <-----I print check the inside routine for audit the value!!


//--- action and return the result



I call the routine as follows..


//| Trailing stop/profit short position                              |


bool TrailingStopShort(ulong positionTicket,double sl)


   bool result;



      result=m_trade.PositionModify(positionTicket,sl,PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP)); < this routine is tack action !!




Print(GetLastError());  <-------------- I print check after call the routime



So now I have to receive the print check 2 lines eg.. Last Error and the exit TP/SL and new TP/SL..

See the result.. that surprise to me..

My Print test

  • OLD SL= 0.0 >> NEW SL =1.19378
  • OLD TP=1.19349 >> NEW TP= 1.19349

From MQl5 report

  • OLD SL=0.0  >> NEW SL=1.19378
  • OLD TP=1.19159 >> NEW TP=1.19349

And this the evident from testing

Order(#7) from log, server say tp=1.20008 and the test terminal read T/P=1.20008

So it seem that data reading from function is not same.

PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP)) <--- give to me  1.20695

The old TP from MQL5 and my print is not same and go to error 4756

Please advise to me how to fix this..



Your position #7 is a sell and you are trying to set the TP (1.20695) above the SL (1.20648). What is current market price ? For a SELL the TP must always be below ask price (minus stoplevel).


      result=m_trade.PositionModify(positionTicket,sl,PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP)); < this routine is tack action !!

Before using PositionGetDouble() you need to select a position (see documentation), where is it done ?



I wrote an EXPERT but with a 4756 error please Guide me

