Access Violation


What kind of code could cause this? (backtest)

I tried to run it in the debug mode (ctrl+F5) to nail down the exactly line that generates this, but when it happens the debbuger also stops.

Henrique Vilela:

What kind of code could cause this? (backtest)

I tried to run it in the debug mode (ctrl+F5) to pin nail the exactly line that generates this, but when it happens the debbuger also stops.

Sleep() inside ?

Icham Aidibe:

Sleep() inside ?

No, no sleep.

Sorry if I don't give much information, but it's a huge code and I get no ideia what could generate this error.

The problem is erraticI'm just restarting the same test over and over sometimes it happens in one point, sometimes in another, sometimes does not happen at all.

All with the same EA, same strategy tester and all...

Henrique Vilela:

No, no sleep.

Sorry if I don't give much information, but it's a huge code and I get no ideia what could generate this error.

The problem is erraticI'm just restarting the same test over and over sometimes it happens in one point, sometimes in another, sometimes does not happen at all.

All with the same EA, same strategy tester and all...

OnTimer() ?

I do use OnTimer, but always used. How It could generate this error? 
Henrique Vilela:
I do use OnTimer, but always used. How It could generate this error? 

It's inside. Try commenting one by one called made from, you'll find what's happening there.

Henrique Vilela:

What kind of code could cause this? (backtest)

I tried to run it in the debug mode (ctrl+F5) to nail down the exactly line that generates this, but when it happens the debbuger also stops.

Are you using DLLs?
Petr Nosek:
Are you using DLLs?
No DLL at all.