Call a function dynamically



do you know if it's possible to call a function dynamically please? I f yes, how?


Function declaration:

Void myFunction1(){...;...;...;}

Void myFunction2(){...;...;...;}

Void myFunction3(){...;...;...;}

In the code:


This example doens't work, but it's the idea I would want to do.



Yes and no.

It's possible with pointer to function, but you need to have the same function signature.

Patrick Chalindar:


do you know if it's possible to call a function dynamically please? I f yes, how?


Function declaration:

Void myFunction1(){...;...;...;}

Void myFunction2(){...;...;...;}

Void myFunction3(){...;...;...;}

In the code:


This example doens't work, but it's the idea I would want to do.


No you can not. I wished this feature too but it exists only in PHP.
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  2. There is no such thing, but you can make one.
    void myFunction1(){...;...;...;}
    void myFunction2(){...;...;...;}
    void myFunction3(){...;...;...;}
    void myFunction(int i){
       case 1: myFunction1(); break;
       case 2: myFunction2(); break;
       case 3: myFunction3(); break;
       default: PrintFormat(__FUNCTION__" called with %i",i);
       }; // switch


Patrick Chalindar:


do you know if it's possible to call a function dynamically please? I f yes, how?

As @Alain Verleyen said if you have the same function signature it is possible. You can use pointers to function or you can use classes. See an example:

class cParent
   virtual double math(const double a,const double b) {return(0.0);}
class cAdd:public cParent
   virtual double math(const double a,const double b) {return(a+b);}
class cMultiple:public cParent
   virtual double math(const double a,const double b) {return(a*b);}

void OnStart()
   cParent *math[2];
   math[0]=new cAdd();
   math[1]=new cMultiple();
   double a=3.0,b=5.0;
   printf("Addition: %.2f ; Multiplication: %.2f",math[0].math(a,b),math[1].math(a,b));
   // Result: Addition: 8.00 ; Multiplication: 15.00
   delete math[0];
   delete math[1];

Thanks for your answers,

structure and classes are somethings about that I had thought, it's helpfull but not exactly that I want to do.