VPS minimum specs


I'm planning on renting a VPS, but before I do, I'm trying to find out recommended specs.  I'm planning to run 4-6 terminals, with 1 chart on each, running an EA that receives data from 28 pairs.

I'm looking at instances that have 1 or 2 vCores @ 2.4GHz, and 2, 4 or 8GB RAM.  Will one of these packages be sufficient?  Thanks for the tips!

Ian Tavener:

I'm planning on renting a VPS, but before I do, I'm trying to find out recommended specs.  I'm planning to run 4-6 terminals, with 1 chart on each, running an EA that receives data from 28 pairs.

I'm looking at instances that have 1 or 2 vCores @ 2.4GHz, and 2, 4 or 8GB RAM.  Will one of these packages be sufficient?  Thanks for the tips!

Just a thought:

Set up a virtual machine with something like VirtualBox with these specifications and see how it handles your setup.

Microsoft has several free VM's ready for download at their developer site.
