Why do my new topics get deleted?



I recently tried to start a thread about EA testing. When it disappeared I thought it might have been my browser.

I posted again, but it got deleted again.

Really confused. I'm not aware of violating any rules. Am I being moderated?

Marius Lombaard:


I recently tried to start a thread about EA testing. When it disappeared I thought it might have been my browser.

I posted again, but it got deleted again.

Really confused. I'm not aware of violating any rules. Am I being moderated?

Your topics include outside (advertising) links that are not permitted in this forum.

Eleni Anna Branou:

Your topics include outside (advertising) links that are not permitted in this forum.

Thanks for your response. Could you send me the relevant links in direct message to help debug? I'm aware of using links to resources, but not anything that "advertised" anything.

or are all external links for tools/resources (including free ones) automatically deemed "advertising"?

can I mention tools/resources without linking to them?