Libraries: EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces


EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces:

The EasyAndFastGUI library allows creating graphical interfaces for custom MQL programs.

Author: Anatoli Kazharski

EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
EasyAndFastGUI library for creating graphical interfaces
The EasyAndFastGUI library allows creating graphical interfaces for custom MQL programs.

Hello Anatoli,

thanks for the massive work you have put into this new GUI. Unfortunately, I am not able to compile most of the mqh-files.

In particular the compiler complains: class 'CWindow' is undefined.

Any ideas what has to be updated, fixed or am I doing something wrong?

Also, I have  also unpacked the images to the folder 'Images\EasyAndFastGui'.

Best regards,



Those are includes.

Did you try to compile just the main program ?


Hi Marco,

What "main program" do you refer to? Can you name the file?


The MQ5 file.

Not the mqh you don't have to compile those.


Compiling the ExampleEAF.mq5 did the trick.

I was assuming I had to compile a library when I want to create own things with it.

However, thanks a lot!

Oh and I was stumbling across this line of code at the top of most library files:

class CWindow;

Is the creation of a "fake class" some trick to avoid an #include nightmare? How can the compiler later on actually link the correct class that is really being used?


EasyAndFast GUI bug

MT4 Version.


The Edit is always flickering.

Anatoli Kazharski  Please help to solve this bug.

EasyAndFast GUI bug
EasyAndFast GUI bug
  • 2018.08.20
I download the library of the last MT4 version Experts\Article09\TestLibrary03 The Edit is always flickering...

MT4 Version.

Unfortunately I can not help now, because it no longer worked for MT4. This version of the library has been tested only on the MT5.


In MT4 version SimpleButton lack function to change the button text/caption .


   string            Text(void)                        const { return(m_button.Description()); }
   void             Text(string text)                         { m_button.Description(text); return; } 

Add second line in order to get that functionality. Posted here hope helps someone who needs.

Anatoli Kazharski

Hi there a way to open Dialog window using this version of the library. Dialog window is working only with color picker  , and if I try to create one just empty  to insert some table or extra buttons     then is not working at all, just is on and is not movable .

Please help  ..this is absolutely beautiful library, and thank you very much for sharing but this detail is reducing a lot  the functionality

           if we use single window everything is ok  only dialog window is not working correctly, or this was a plan from the beginning ??:)


In case if I'm wrong is there example how to open a dialog window and have single button inside  or something else  (just not color picker) ??

Im using MT5