Some suggestions for improvements to market place...


The market place works quite well but it is very focused on the sell and less on the service. Some simple changes could allow sellers to provide a better service.

I would suggest the following improvements:


1) Ability to upload a manual (pdf) document for users to download - at present this has to be attached in a zip file in the comments section but as the comments cannot be edited then you soon end up with multiple versions available to download instead of just the latest.

2) Provide a facility for sellers to contact all the buyers. When a bug is discovered and fixed or new features added there is currently no way to ensure that buyers have download the latest version. A simple contact option would allow sellers to inform the buyers about new versions pro-actively.

3) Make the comments appear in the order of 'latest first' this would make the section much more useful and save users scrolling through obsolete messages to get to current content.

4) Allow sellers to provide updated product content description without the need to re-submit the whole product for approval.


I trust others will agree these items would improve the market place.


The market place works quite well but it is very focused on the sell and less on the service. Some simple changes could allow sellers to provide a better service.

I would suggest the following improvements:


1) Ability to upload a manual (pdf) document for users to download - at present this has to be attached in a zip file in the comments section but as the comments cannot be edited then you soon end up with multiple versions available to download instead of just the latest.

2) Provide a facility for sellers to contact all the buyers. When a bug is discovered and fixed or new features added there is currently no way to ensure that buyers have download the latest version. A simple contact option would allow sellers to inform the buyers about new versions pro-actively.

3) Make the comments appear in the order of 'latest first' this would make the section much more useful and save users scrolling through obsolete messages to get to current content.

4) Allow sellers to provide updated product content description without the need to re-submit the whole product for approval.


I trust others will agree these items would improve the market place.

Hi MaxTrader, very interesting ideas, about 2) I think a better solution would be send an automatic message to all users whenever an update is done.