MT4 app (ios) keeps resetting periodically

Every few days or weeks my Metatrader 4 app keeps resetting and loses all data: trendlines, indicators, color theme, settings etc. All get reset to factory settings

I am doing nothing different on my phone it just started happening after getting ios 11 update back in 2017. 

I even got a new iphone 8 hoping that would fix the issue but its still happening!

I’ve seen a few posts about the same issue but no one has had the issue resolved or posted about it.

Has anyone had this issue and figured out how to fix it? Please let me know very annoying i may have to start using tradingview
you may write to serice desk asking their advice and inform them about it (the link to the service desk is in your profile).
Thanks I'll try that.

Update: I wrote to service desk and they did not resolve the issue. 

Does anyone know how to fix this? it has happened again

Chart settings check error