How to check the index of the candlestick that my mouse pointer is currently pointing at?


Hi all. Is there a way to retrieve the index of the candlestick that my mouse pointer is currently pointing at? For example, if my mouse pointer is currently pointing at the candlestick in the yellow circle (refer to screenshot W1), the only information that is reflected are contained within the red circle at the bottom, which includes volume, open and close price etc... but doesn't include the index of the candlestick. Is there a way to retrieve the index easily within counting manually?

I know I can click on the mouse wheel and drag from the candlestick that I want to the current candlestick that is being formed and it will show me the total number of candlestick captured (refer to the second screenshot W2) but I still find it a hassle to do so. Is there a more convenient way?

W1.png  194 kb
W2.png  412 kb
install, ea has open chart feature
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