Unexpected loss - page 2

Piter fromPL:

Ok, You can hang dogs on me, sure, why not... You are so kind, thanks sharks!

As I said, I had o broker, who said what instruments and what size I should buy. Step by step, field by field.

I haven't seen any leverage on my transactions, so I didn't know, that I'm using any.

My only sin is to be very gullible, and I trused to someone, who promisted to inform me about any risk and steps to do. He did not.

So... I'm not ignorant, but just naive to peple.

You don't have to have drive license, to have a chauffeur, You don't have to know how to repair a car, when You have a crash - You are going to the workshop, You are trusting smn, who is designed and learned how to do it.

And... my broker is a total failure, as I see it now.

So, thank You guys for 10% of informations, and 90% of smartass talk.

Best Regards,


Don't get rude, because we didn't give you the answer you wanted (that it was your brokers fault or scam).

You saw some light, somewhere that so much money was made (and lost, but you didn't know that), you jumped into this "game" unprepared and uneducated and you suffered a loss.

You must accept it and move on.

That's what we all did, when we encountered our first big loss on greed or ignorance.

Thats life, after all.

Anthony Garot:

You won't make that mistake again.

That's true.

Eleni Anna Branou:

Don't get rude, because we didn't give you the answer you wanted (that it was your brokers fault or scam).

Ok, sure.

Now I'm trying to understand.

Now is my path to learn about this tool, I was trading just through etoro before.

1. How is he earning when I'm loosing all. Is he a shitty broker, or a scam? If I loose all, I will not be active in the future.

2. How does he set a leverage on 100, and how can I check & change that? I'm using Meta trader 4 terminal v.4.0

3. He somehow had an access to my account and have seen my transactions. How can I cut off from him?

Or maybe I should create another account to trade with my other money?

I think I could use this leverage if I leave more money for a loss, f.e. putting into market 20% of my caps, not 95%.

Than You for helping in advance.

Best regars


Piter fromPL:

 Is he a shitty broker, or a scam? 


Maybe your just a shitty trader.

Did you check if that instrument went up or down? and how much ?

Marco vd Heijden:

Maybe your just a shitty trader.

Did you check if that instrument went up or down? and how much ?

I think it is clear by now that Piter is completely new to trading. 

I think he has realized his mistake in the way he at first reacted negatively to the very good advice he got over here. 

Now he wants to learn.

He knows very little about trading. He is not a trader at all. He just followed some broker´s guidance or whatever.

Now he wants to learn. 

I don´t think he realizes what a big job it is to learn to trade and how long it is going to take him to learn. 

He is not a shitty trader or any trader at all. 

He is someone who wants to learn. 

And he is now being kind. 

Piter fromPL:

Ok, sure.

Now I'm trying to understand.

Now is my path to learn about this tool, I was trading just through etoro before.

1. How is he earning when I'm loosing all. Is he a shitty broker, or a scam? If I loose all, I will not be active in the future.

2. How does he set a leverage on 100, and how can I check & change that? I'm using Meta trader 4 terminal v.4.0

3. He somehow had an access to my account and have seen my transactions. How can I cut off from him?

Or maybe I should create another account to trade with my other money?

I think I could use this leverage if I leave more money for a loss, f.e. putting into market 20% of my caps, not 95%.

Than You for helping in advance.

Best regars



By reading your post it seems to me you are very fresh in online trading. You must understand online trading carrying very high risk, you can lose all your saving just in a few second just because you simply don't know how the trading business works.

Take a deep breath and calm yourself down, whatever it is the money your lose take it as a lesson, don't jump into real trading unless you are knowing exactly how to profiting money from trading forex/CFD!

Right now get yourself to money management learning, finding a suitable of trading system, instruments that can generate stable profits and practicing more on demo account.

Another advice from me, stop thinking put another money into trading again, "revenge" will hurt yourself more.