Unexpected loss



I have trusted my broker, and I lost money. Maybe my fault, but I don't understand what happened, and my broker is unreachable.

I have positions as below (currency in PLN):

TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItemPriceS / LT / PClose TimePriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit

225136562018.01.17 11:51:22sell1.00wig20.imp2601.500.002582.502018.01.22 12:44:272623.50-17.000.00-97.10-2 200.00

226339382018.01.22 11:38:20buy0.70ltcusd199.01640.0000201.80862018.01.22 12:44:19187.7078- 692.45

Could anyone explain me why tere is such a loss?

I don't know why it was closed, but if I have bought sth for 2601.5 PLN and sold for 2623.5 PLN, so there should be 22PLN loss... 

Why there is -2 200 PLN?

Is it a fraud? Shoud I report it to someone?

Please explain or help me in my case.

Best Regards,



What was your balance to begin with and what leverage is on you account?

My guess is you started with 5000 and leverage is 100:1 and the trades were closed because you account was about to go into negative??


What was your balance to begin with and what leverage is on you account?

My guess is you started with 5000 and leverage is 100:1 and the trades were closed because you account was about to go into negative??

Yes, I started with 5000PLN.

I wasn't setting up any leverage, is it automated, or it was setted up by my broker?

Can I do sth in this situation, or now it's lost forever?



Piter fromPL:


I have trusted my broker, and I lost money. Maybe my fault, but I don't understand what happened, and my broker is unreachable.

I have positions as below (currency in PLN):

TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItemPriceS / LT / PClose TimePriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit

225136562018.01.17 11:51:22sell1.00wig20.imp2601.500.002582.502018.01.22 12:44:272623.50-17.000.00-97.10-2 200.00

226339382018.01.22 11:38:20buy0.70ltcusd199.01640.0000201.80862018.01.22 12:44:19187.7078- 692.45

Could anyone explain me why tere is such a loss?

I don't know why it was closed, but if I have bought sth for 2601.5 PLN and sold for 2623.5 PLN, so there should be 22PLN loss... 

Why there is -2 200 PLN?

Is it a fraud? Shoud I report it to someone?

Please explain or help me in my case.

Best Regards,


The instruments you traded carry a huge risk and the market went against you.

You should have made a reasearch before you trade on these things, in regard to commisions and other charges.

All brokers charge quite a lot on these intruments, due to the risk involved.


Piter fromPL: I have trusted my broker, and I lost money. Maybe my fault, but I don't understand what happened, and my broker is unreachable.

I have positions as below (currency in PLN):

TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItemPriceS / LT / PClose TimePriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit

225136562018.01.17 11:51:22sell1.00wig20.imp2601.500.002582.502018.01.22 12:44:272623.50-17.000.00-97.10-2 200.00

226339382018.01.22 11:38:20buy0.70ltcusd199.01640.0000201.80862018.01.22 12:44:19187.7078- 692.45

Could anyone explain me why tere is such a loss?

I don't know why it was closed, but if I have bought sth for 2601.5 PLN and sold for 2623.5 PLN, so there should be 22PLN loss... 

Why there is -2 200 PLN?

Is it a fraud? Shoud I report it to someone?

Please explain or help me in my case.

If you have never learned or driven a car before, and you get into one and put the gear into "R" for "Really Fast" and then when you press the peddle it starts going backwards instead and hits the wall causing major damage, what do you do?

Well, the exact same thing happened here! Just as one should first learn and practice and get your driver's license first, so you should do the equivalent with trading!

You should first do the research, and learn about trading. Then you should practice with a demo account until you reach a point that you are profitable. Only then, can you move onto a real account, preferably a cent-account first.

The result of your loss is not fraud - it is the result of your ignorance about basic trading principles.

So, stop trading with real money, and first go learn. Do the research and practice - It will take you years of it before you are really and consistently profitable. There are no short-cuts!


Maybe it is a spread

Piter fromPL:

Yes, I started with 5000PLN.

I wasn't setting up any leverage, is it automated, or it was setted up by my broker?

Can I do sth in this situation, or now it's lost forever?



Lost forever because you don't understand what you are doing. 

Do you know what is the meaning of "Size" column ? what the "1' means ?

Fernando Carreiro:

If you have never learned or driven a car before, and you get into one and put the gear into "R" for "Really Fast" and then when you press the peddle it starts going backwards instead and hits the wall causing major damage, what do you do?

Well, the exact same thing happened here! Just as one should first learn and practice and get your driver's license first, so you should do the equivalent with trading!

You should first do the research, and learn about trading. Then you should practice with a demo account until you reach a point that you are profitable. Only then, can you move onto a real account, preferably a cent-account first.

The result of your loss is not fraud - it is the result of your ignorance about basic trading principles.

So, stop trading with real money, and first go learn. Do the research and practice - It will take you years of it before you are really and consistently profitable. There are no short-cuts!

I totally agree with Mr Fernando

Piter fromPL:


I have trusted my broker, and I lost money. Maybe my fault, but I don't understand what happened, and my broker is unreachable.

I have positions as below (currency in PLN):

TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItemPriceS / LT / PClose TimePriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit

225136562018.01.17 11:51:22sell1.00wig20.imp2601.500.002582.502018.01.22 12:44:272623.50-17.000.00-97.10-2 200.00

226339382018.01.22 11:38:20buy0.70ltcusd199.01640.0000201.80862018.01.22 12:44:19187.7078- 692.45

Could anyone explain me why tere is such a loss?

I don't know why it was closed, but if I have bought sth for 2601.5 PLN and sold for 2623.5 PLN, so there should be 22PLN loss... 

Why there is -2 200 PLN?

Is it a fraud? Shoud I report it to someone?

Please explain or help me in my case.

Best Regards,


You left your trade open for 5 days, yet you saw that your account was in negative for many days, the market is not that friendly if you are a beginner in the Forex trading industry, it show you did not use proper money management on your account, the lot size are too big to allow your account to go into DD for several days.

Learn first the market, practice first on the demo, so of the most successful trader took something like 6 month, some 1,2,3,4,5 years before they felt confident about trading onto a live market, but still their first experience onto the live market was not friendly as on the demo. You have a lot to learn. 

Chris Mukengeshayi:

I totally agree with Mr Fernando

You left your trade open for 5 days, yet you saw that your account was in negative for many days, the market is not that friendly if you are a beginner in the Forex trading industry, it show you did not use proper money management on your account, the lot size are too big to allow your account to go into DD for several days.

Learn first the market, practice first on the demo, so of the most successful trader took something like 6 month, some 1,2,3,4,5 years before they felt confident about trading onto a live market, but still their first experience onto the live market was not friendly as on the demo. You have a lot to learn. 

You are right, except it was not Forex trading here but CFDs which is even worst.


Ok, You can hang dogs on me, sure, why not... You are so kind, thanks sharks!

As I said, I had o broker, who said what instruments and what size I should buy. Step by step, field by field.

I haven't seen any leverage on my transactions, so I didn't know, that I'm using any.

My only sin is to be very gullible, and I trused to someone, who promisted to inform me about any risk and steps to do. He did not.

So... I'm not ignorant, but just naive to peple.

You don't have to have drive license, to have a chauffeur, You don't have to know how to repair a car, when You have a crash - You are going to the workshop, You are trusting smn, who is designed and learned how to do it.

And... my broker is a total failure, as I see it now.

So, thank You guys for 10% of informations, and 90% of smartass talk.

Best Regards,


Piter fromPL:

As I said, I had o broker, who said what instruments and what size I should buy. Step by step, field by field.

I haven't seen any leverage on my transactions, so I didn't know, that I'm using any.

My only sin is to be very gullible, and I trused to someone, who promisted to inform me about any risk and steps to do. He did not.

Sounds like your broker was a shyster. That happens. Caveat emptor.

You are rightly upset; but do not be too upset.

Yes, you lost some money.

But you learned a very valuable lesson.

You won't make that mistake again.