MT5 - Terminal.exe exit code for automation



Does terminal.exe return an exit code other than 0?


I'm using python to automate optimizations. An optimization will fail, for example, when none of the parameters are selected for optimization. The journal gives this message:

2018.01.24 10:58:52.653 Tester  no optimized parameter selected, please check input(s) to be optimized and set start, step and stop values

And it appears that terminal.exe returns a 0.

If the optimization runs, terminal.exe likewise returns a 0.

I searched for documentation on terminal.exe command line parameters, but the only reference that I have found is here, and it does not describe terminal.exe exit codes:

Is this the expected behavior?

Oh, my python code in case I made some sort of mistake . . . .

import subprocess
import os

TERMINAL = "C:\\Program Files\\MetaTrader 5\\terminal64.exe"
TESTER_INI = os.getcwd() + "\\tester.ini"
#print(TERMINAL + " " + CONFIG_LINE)


Never heard about a way to fix a return code. Probably something to confirm with the Service Desk.

Alain Verleyen:

Never heard about a way to fix a return code. Probably something to confirm with the Service Desk.

Roger that. Thanks @Alain
I will choose another way to get the parameters.


if ..

C:\\Program Files\\MetaTrader 5

is your installation, I think you have to create oder modify a .set file in this foler:

C:\\Program Files\\MetaTrader 5\MQL5\Profiles\Tester

You can create a set file which you have to select in your ini or you can modify the (mostly) existing set-file of your EA.