Is it possible to download more history data from a certain server?


Dear all,

Is it possible to download more history data from a certain server? I use the script in, and found that it seems the history data of the symbols i checked started from 2012.10.3. Where can we get more data? thank you for your prompt reply.

  • votes: 9
  • 2011.02.28
  • Aleksey Sergan
The script downloads historical data (for the current symbol), available at trade server.

Dear all,

Is it possible to download more history data from a certain server? I use the script in, and found that it seems the history data of the symbols i checked started from 2012.10.3. Where can we get more data? thank you for your prompt reply.

History data comes from the broker, so you have to find a broker who provides what you need.
History data comes from the broker, so you have to find a broker who provides what you need.

Dear angevoyageur,

Thank you for your prompt rely.