Signal stats

How come a signal loses 11 straight trades but doesn't show when I click on their "trading history" tab? The trades on their "Trading" Tab don't seem to match mine.

The Signal I am copying is losing way more than his Statistics show. If you can't trust the statistics or Trading history how are you meant to chose a good Signal?

Tips for Selecting a Trading Signal to Subscribe. Step-By-Step Guide - the article

Non of these promotional links mention slippage.

Probably it is due to slippage, your results differ from the provider.

The average slippage based on execution statistics on real accounts of various brokers is specified in pips. It depends on the difference between the provider's quotes from "XXXXX" and the subscriber's quotes, as well as on order execution delays. Lower values mean better quality of copying.


The Signal I am copying is losing way more than his Statistics show. If you can't trust the statistics or Trading history how are you meant to chose a good Signal?

The signal performance its not identical to that of its subscribers, due to different brokers ans slippage problems.

The trading results shown in the trading history tab are true for the signal provider, but this is not always the case for the followers.

That's why you should always check the slippage tab (and choose a broker within the green/lower values), along with all other data, before subscribing to a signal.


Thanks for the reply's but the lost trades do not even show on the providers history- win or lose. The lost trades were on the 29th but the last trades shown on the Signals history tab were the 26th.


Thanks for the reply's but the lost trades do not even show on the providers history- win or lose. The lost trades were on the 29th but the last trades shown on the Signals history tab were the 26th.

The latest trades are only visible to the subscribers.

Are you still subscribed to that signal?

Eleni Anna Branou:

The latest trades are only visible to the subscribers.

Are you still subscribed to that signal?

Yes still subscribed. Something is wrong. This is a trader that only trades 15 trades per week and he has just opened 55 trades in one hit. The Signals Page says his last trade was 8hrs ago.


Yes still subscribed. Something is wrong. This is a trader that only trades 15 trades per week and he has just opened 55 trades in one hit. The Signals Page says his last trade was 8hrs ago.

Sorry latest trade just updated. Now shows 25min ago