how do I convert dollar to ZAR on Fib level


You know that to show price on a Fib level, one adds "%$" to the line in the level...? Well, I'd really like to see that Dollar price as ZAR... it must be possible somehow? Even maybe an arithmetical way... Like, for instance, say the dollar/ZAR exchange rate is R14, is there an arithmetical code I can add to that equation?

In order for that Fib level to show the dollar price, “%” must be a variable, right? So, “%$” converts the Fib level to its dollar value. So is there maybe an arithmetical value I can add to that line to make it divide the dollar value by the numerical value of “14”?

%$ is not a variable. It says to show the exchange rate for that line. There is no dollar chart there is no ZAR chart. There is only the exchange rate.
%$ is not a variable. It says to show the exchange rate for that line. There is no dollar chart there is no ZAR chart. There is only the exchange rate.

ah, oh dear. well, thanks or your reply - appreciated. Maybe you might know of a way - ANY way - I can add something to my chart (BTCUSD) to show the ZAR rate next to the dollar price?

(even if I must add the exchange rate to the code...)


ah, oh dear. well, thanks or your reply - appreciated. Maybe you might know of a way - ANY way - I can add something to my chart (BTCUSD) to show the ZAR rate next to the dollar price?

(even if I must add the exchange rate to the code...)

why don't you use the bid and ask of the USD/ZAR and display it into a textbox, then multiply it by the value of bit coin and wala you get the price in ZAR

AliToo: - ANY way - I can add something to my chart (BTCUSD) to show the ZAR rate next to the dollar price?
  1. There is no "dollar price" only exchange rates.
  2. You could write an indicator to display bid price BTCZAR = BTCUSD * USDZAR
  1. There is no "dollar price" only exchange rates.
  2. You could write an indicator to display bid price BTCZAR = BTCUSD * USDZAR

Eish whroeder1, you are very precise... lol - and I get it; my terms are fuzzy. All this would be unnecessary if Pepperstone would just add BTCZAR to their charts... 

Could/would you write this indicator for me? If so, how much would you charge?

Chris Mukengeshayi:

why don't you use the bid and ask of the USD/ZAR and display it into a textbox, then multiply it by the value of bit coin and wala you get the price in ZAR

good answer Chris, thanx - and I wouldn't know how :-(

I'd want the ZAR to reflect the current dollar BTC exchange rate on the right side of the screen - right where the dollar is displayed


good answer Chris, thanx - and I wouldn't know how :-(

I'd want the ZAR to reflect the current dollar BTC exchange rate on the right side of the screen - right where the dollar is displayed

awe hola howzt? , No problem I can write it for you, inbox me

Chris Mukengeshayi:

awe hola howzt? , No problem I can write it for you, inbox me

Eitsa - awesome! lol - I see that you are also a South African... kool. Sorry - over 60 and a little technically challenged... how do I "inbox" you please? and what will you charge, please?

AliToo: Could/would you write this indicator for me? If so, how much would you charge?

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