change default properties in strategy tester visual mode



Does anyone know how to increase the size of buy/sell arrow and the associated trendline that is drawn by strategy tester in visual mode on the chart?

Mine is too small to see and i cant change this in the "Tester.tpl" template.


  1. No such settings.
  2. Have the EA create (for live) or modify the objects.
  1. No such settings.
  2. Have the EA create (for live) or modify the objects.


MT4 code
//| Initialization                                                   |
int   digitsLots;
bool  firstTimer;
int OnInit(){   firstTimer  = true;
      double   lotStep     = MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_LOTSTEP);
   digitsLots  = digits_in(lotStep);

   if(!EventSetTimer(1) )  Alert(StringFormat("EST:%i", _LastError) );
//| Custom indicator timer function                                  |
void OnTimer(void){
      for(int iPos = OrdersHistoryTotal(); iPos > 0;){   --iPos;
         if(select_order(iPos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY) )
   }  // ShowTrades
   firstTimer  = false;
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason){    EventKillTimer();    
   if(ShowTrades)    delete_trades();
//| Create Order result                                              |
void create_trades(bool doAlert){  // Order is selected.
      int      ot          = OrderType();
   color    clr         = ot == OP_BUY ? Blue : Red;
   string   op          = as_string( (Trade_Operation)ot);

   datetime from        = OrderOpenTime(),   to    = OrderCloseTime();
   double   oop         = OrderOpenPrice(),  ocp   = OrderClosePrice();
   string   open        = price_as_string(oop);
   string   close       = price_as_string(ocp);

   string   lots        = lots_as_string(OrderLots() );
   int      ticket      = OrderTicket();

   string   tLine = StringFormat("#%i %s -> %s", ticket, open, close);
   if(doAlert && ObjectFind(tLine) < 0)
      Alert(StringFormat("closed %i on %s",ticket,_Symbol));   // expert.wav;
   /*void*/ create_tLine(tLine,
                         from, oop, to, ocp, clr);
   /*void*/ create_arrow(StringFormat("#%i %s %s %s at %s",
                                      ticket, op, lots, _Symbol, open),
                         from, oop, 1, clr);
   /*void*/ create_arrow(StringFormat("#%i %s %s %s at %s close at %s",
                                      ticket, op, lots, _Symbol, open, close),
                         to, ocp, 3, Goldenrod);
void     delete_trades(void){ ObjectsDeleteAll(0, "#"); }
//| Create Trend line                                                |
                                                         #define WINDOW_MAIN 0
void create_tLine(string   name,
                  datetime time1,   double   price1,
                  datetime time2,   double   price2,
                  color    clr,
                  ENUM_LINE_STYLE   style=STYLE_DOT){
   ObjectCreate(name, OBJ_TREND, WINDOW_MAIN, time1, price1, time2, price2);
   ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR,        clr);
   ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_STYLE,        style);
   ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_RAY,          false);
//| Create Arrow                                                     |
void create_arrow(string   name,
                  datetime time, double   price,
                  int      code,
                  color    clr){
   ObjectCreate(name, OBJ_ARROW, WINDOW_MAIN, time, price);
   ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR,        clr);
   ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE,    code);
//| Miscellaneous                                                    |
string   price_as_string(double price){return DoubleToStr(price, _Digits);     }
string   lots_as_string( double lots){ return DoubleToStr(lots, digitsLots);   }
bool     select_order(int iWhat, int eSelect, int ePool=MODE_TRADES){
    if(!OrderSelect(iWhat, eSelect, ePool)   ) return false;
    if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber     ) return false;   // \ Extern
    if(OrderSymbol()      != _Symbol         ) return false;   // / variables.
    if(ePool != MODE_HISTORY                 ) return true;
    return OrderType() <= OP_SELL;  // Avoid cr/bal
                                    // Never select canceled orders.
int      digits_in(double d){
   int digits  = 0;
   while(d - int(d) >  1.E-8){ d *= 10.0; ++digits; }
  return digits;
MT4 code