Do you have Bitcoin Wallet ?

  • 28% (16)
  • 51% (29)
  • 4% (2)
  • 18% (10)
Total voters: 57

when i started trading forex at first i lost some cash (ouch, but normal, forex requires good experience), but i gained much more than i lost from Bitcoin, Litecoin and PPcoin rapid growth (generally i had my investement in btc/ltc/ppc multiplied by 15x on average in 6 months and i cashed out large portion of it to fiat). If you are patient it is a very good investment. BTC/USD should be at the new heights during next 5-9 months.

Anyone who understands economy, how the fiat currency works (unsustainable system of constantly increasing ratio debt:currency, that is coming to an end probably before 2020) and bitcoin structure also understands it is still a great investment. (i diversify to other cryptocurrencies) Will it withstand for a longer time? I dont know, but looking at economies it has pretty good chances. More important is that if you invest in it now and make a plan of cash outs at specified growth, you will make a lot of money on it.

generally bitcoin wallet sucks. It downloads huge blockchain file for a very long time until it gets usable - for me it is unacceptable. I use Multibit bitcoin client. It is simple, fast and secure. IF you want to try BTC dont ever use original client unless you are some tech-maniac ;)
Thanks angreeee for the inputs, but can you tell us what is the process to open Bitcoin wallet ?
Also most of countries not accepting bitcoin and also some one like Warren Buffet warn and keeping warning of electronic coins such Lit&bit coins , so the future of electronic coin not clear nough upto now 

when i started trading forex at first i lost some cash (ouch, but normal, forex requires good experience), but i gained much more than i lost from Bitcoin, Litecoin and PPcoin rapid growth (generally i had my investement in btc/ltc/ppc multiplied by 15x on average in 6 months and i cashed out large portion of it to fiat). If you are patient it is a very good investment. BTC/USD should be at the new heights during next 5-9 months.

Anyone who understands economy, how the fiat currency works (unsustainable system of constantly increasing ratio debt:currency, that is coming to an end probably before 2020) and bitcoin structure also understands it is still a great investment. (i diversify to other cryptocurrencies) Will it withstand for a longer time? I dont know, but looking at economies it has pretty good chances. More important is that if you invest in it now and make a plan of cash outs at specified growth, you will make a lot of money on it.

wow New high 5-9 months .. thanks
I do not know Bitcoin Wallet. but I am informed and when I have a little better understood, perhaps I'd be more interested. I still have so much to learn that I do not know if my life will be long enough ...!

when i started trading forex at first i lost some cash (ouch, but normal, forex requires good experience), but i gained much more than i lost from Bitcoin, Litecoin and PPcoin rapid growth (generally i had my investement in btc/ltc/ppc multiplied by 15x on average in 6 months and i cashed out large portion of it to fiat). If you are patient it is a very good investment. BTC/USD should be at the new heights during next 5-9 months.

Anyone who understands economy, how the fiat currency works (unsustainable system of constantly increasing ratio debt:currency, that is coming to an end probably before 2020) and bitcoin structure also understands it is still a great investment. (i diversify to other cryptocurrencies) Will it withstand for a longer time? I dont know, but looking at economies it has pretty good chances. More important is that if you invest in it now and make a plan of cash outs at specified growth, you will make a lot of money on it.

Im starting to be very concerned. How many time have I encounter people talking about bitcoin and using the same script as you. All this text you have typed shows that you dont understand in what type of scheme you have entered. Calling the USD a fiat currency is a little bit extreme. If you truly understood economics, and how ponzi schemes work, you wouldnt trade those things.