The markets are not a game, here comes the proof


Some people say that the markets are a game, but thinking like that is exactly what the communists did, and they are proven wrong, so i'll make a comparison, to prove that the markets are NOT a game

   Game                                                                                                                                                                                    Markets

-  There is a winner and a loser 
-  There is no notion of winner and loser, the same trade that is a winner for one, can be a lose for another, but both of them can make money on the end of the row of trades
- single player, and when its multiplayeryou know how many players are on each side  
- Multiplayer and you never know how many players are on each side, so you can't define who's with you or against you
- Self contained in the game, everything you need is in the game
- Relies on external factors outside the table (chart), news, etc

are outside the game itself      

 have a beginning and an end time          - have only the begin, but will never cease as long as mankind exists
- there are rules to win or lose that applies the same for all participants, like get to the king on chess- there are no rules to win on markets, every participant have his own rules of what is a win or not

So it's not a game, it's life                                  


final proof, 1 word, Inertia

Inertia = if an object is moving, it has the tendency to continue moving. 

Every game breaks inertia, but the markets don`t. 

lottery- breaks inetia when the balls are chosen

dice- break inertia when the dice stops

horserace- breaks inertia when the horses stop 

but there is no stop in the markets, so it`s not a game

If I have a serious matter - for instance war, trade, etc..
And now I take the sting out of it, by giving the participants a toy gun, or fake monopoly money, would you consider it now a game?

You are killing time over fake questions.

It's just how the participant views it, every thing can be considered a game becuase it's your attitude that changes, if you are playful - it's a game.
did you see the movie life is beautiful with roberto banini? It's about the holocaust where he and his child are going through but he makes the child believe it's all a game. So the child experienced it as a play, he just played with the german SS cups.  

They used to trade cows for oranges, but the oranges would go bad rather quickly.

So they switched to shells and stones as an exchange mechanism because it was more durable.

Then they switched to gold coins.

Then the gold coins were stolen and replaced by cheap metal coins and paper.

It still fulfilled it's job as an exchange mechanism so it was alright for most people so they accepted it.

Then they switched to Bitcoin

Now different countries use different coins, and they have different values.

The value between these coins differ from day to day.

These coins are just a product by itself to mediate between purchases of different matter.

They exist to make the transaction as easy as possible.

To get from a cow to oranges in the most efficient and easy way.

There is no mention of a game here.

Markets display the values of each of these coins.

There isn't really much more to it.

Yes Markets are like the lottery, because you might buy a sick cow, or some rotten oranges. - but sick money ? Maybe money got you sick ? ahh greed//

When you throw some coins, or oranges, or even a cow in the air, they do have inertia and they will want to continue moving.

I know a lottery that lasts forever, so there are different types of lottery.

I could go on but i have some work to do.

In any case your going nowhere with your 'is it a game or is it not a game' issue.

You don't even seem to understand it's purpose, the sheer basic functionality, what it's for, what it's used for and so on...

What a pity.


Some people say that the markets are a game, but thinking like that is exactly what the communists did, and they are proven wrong, so i'll make a comparison, to prove that the markets are NOT a game

   Game                                                                                                                                                                                    Markets

-  There is a winner and a loser 
-  There is no notion of winner and loser, the same trade that is a winner for one, can be a lose for another, but both of them can make money on the end of the row of trades
- single player, and when its multiplayeryou know how many players are on each side  
- Multiplayer and you never know how many players are on each side, so you can't define who's with you or against you
- Self contained in the game, everything you need is in the game
- Relies on external factors outside the table (chart), news, etc

are outside the game itself      

 have a beginning and an end time          - have only the begin, but will never cease as long as mankind exists
- there are rules to win or lose that applies the same for all participants, like get to the king on chess- there are no rules to win on markets, every participant have his own rules of what is a win or not

So it's not a game, it's life                                  

I think all of this is subjective to anyone in its own approach of financial markets. 

This is binaries options - difficult to pretend that ain't about gambling.

This is a moving average, the most basic of all indicators attached to a chart - you're already not gambling no longer : 


final proof, 1 word, Inertia

Inertia = if an object is moving, it has the tendency to continue moving. 

Every game breaks inertia, but the markets don`t. 

lottery- breaks inetia when the balls are chosen

dice- break inertia when the dice stops

horserace- breaks inertia when the horses stop 

but there is no stop in the markets, so it`s not a game

Try to learn a differ line between Gambling and Strategy 

and in next try to learn any capital can gain a limited growth as annual and it can give 65% winning trades so its enough for staying