Is it possible get trade server address via server name?



if i only know the server name like  MetaQuotes-Demo but i need to know its address like or , is it possible? Thanks



if i only know the server name like  MetaQuotes-Demo but i need to know its address like or , is it possible? Thanks

Hi Jinsong, I think the only way is an external check of the network connection, for instance (using Windows prompt):

C:\Users\figurelli>tasklist | findstr terminal
terminal.exe                  5772 Console                    1     84.056 K

C:\Users\figurelli>netstat -nof | findstr "5772"
  TCP     ESTABLISHED     5772

Use tasklist command to find the terminal task ID and after netstat command to find the address/port ( in this case).

Hope this way can help you.


Thank you, figurelli  :)


Thank you, figurelli  :)

You are welcome!
I can not make this for 2024.
Rogerio Figurelli #:

Hi Jinsong, I think the only way is an external check of the network connection, for instance (using Windows prompt):

Use tasklist command to find the terminal task ID and after netstat command to find the address/port ( in this case).

Hope this way can help you.

     Which one do you choose?

Sunrain Forex #:

     Which one do you choose?

They discussed about it 20 years ago ... so you came too late to this thread sorry.