partial close in mql5 (netting mode)



I'm trying to use partialclose but it's not working, I think that this mt5 is only for hedgeing

Could someone show me a similar function/code for partialclose that works with netting mode?

I  buy 2 and to partialclose 1 contract.

I  sell 2 and to partialclose 1 contract.



Please show your code if you need coding help.


I don't want to use pending orders to partial close in netting mode...
I would like to use immediate orders (to market)


but PositionClosePartial fails, it only works in hedging ? correct?

 if (m_trade.PositionClosePartial(_p_symbol,rp1_ct,m_symbol.Spread()*3))  //closepartial is hedging mode? it fails

rp1_ct=1 ;   (1 lot / 1 contract)
rp1_pt=200;  (200 pts)

//| function rp1                                                     |
void fRP1()


   int _tp=PositionsTotal();
   for(int i=_tp-1; i>=0; i--)
      string _p_symbol=PositionGetSymbol(i);
      //if(WorkSymb==CurrentSymbol && _p_symbol!=_Symbol) continue;
      if(_p_symbol!=_Symbol) continue;
      if(FezRP1) break;
      if(m_magic>=0 && m_magic!=PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC)) continue;
      double _p_op    = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN);
      double _s_point = SymbolInfoDouble(_p_symbol, SYMBOL_POINT);

         double Bid=SymbolInfoDouble(_p_symbol,SYMBOL_BID);
            //if (m_trade.PositionOpen(_Symbol,ORDER_TYPE_SELL,rp1_ct,SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_BID),0,0,m_magic));                //if (m_trade.PositionClosePartial(_p_symbol,rp1_ct,m_symbol.Spread()*3)) //closepartial só tá funcionando em hedge e não uso isso               {                FezRP1=true;               }            }         }       else       if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE)==POSITION_TYPE_SELL)         {          double Ask=SymbolInfoDouble(_p_symbol,SYMBOL_ASK);          if(_p_op-rp1_pt*_s_point<=Ask)            {             Print(_p_op-rp1_pt*_s_point,"===>",Ask);             Print("RP1=BUY===========================================================");             //if (m_trade.PositionOpen(_Symbol,ORDER_TYPE_BUY,rp1_ct,SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_ASK),0,0,m_magic));             if(m_trade.BuyLimit(rp1_ct,m_symbol.Ask()-rp1_pt*_s_point,_Symbol,0,0,ORDER_TIME_GTC,TimeTradeServer()+PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M1),"RP1_Buy"))                //if (m_trade.PositionClosePartial(_p_symbol,rp1_ct,m_symbol.Spread()*3))  //closepartial is hedging mode? it fails               {                FezRP1=true;               }            }         }      }   }


If you buy 1 lot, and you want to partially close it with 0.5 lots, just sell 0.5 lots. The remaining will be a 0.5 buy.

Enrique Dangeroux:

If you buy 1 lot, and you want to partially close it with 0.5 lots, just sell 0.5 lots. The remaining will be a 0.5 buy.


...however, it does work if you replace the Trade class with a slightly modified version. 

TradeAlt.mqh  5 kb
Enrique Dangeroux:

If you buy 1 lot, and you want to partially close it with 0.5 lots, just sell 0.5 lots. The remaining will be a 0.5 buy.

no... I buy 2 lots  and sell 1 lot...  in the parcial realization after the price walk and the last lot (1) close in the take profit.

note: here in my country the minimum lot is 1  , is different from forex
no... I buy 2 lots  and sell 1 lot...  in the parcial realization after the price walk and the last lot (1) close in the take profit.

note: here in my country the minimum lot is 1  , is different from forex

It is just an example. In netting mode partial close is by means of opposite order with a lot size lower then the current volume. If bigger you change from direction. If volume is the same, the position is closed.


ok tks...

I was complicating what is simple... I just dropped a opposite order and I get my partial working fine... tks for all replies



...however, it does work if you replace the Trade class with a slightly modified version. 

and nicholishen, tk you for the modded trade.mqh it gave some good ideas..  lol