How can i block metatrader from using my network?


Hi, i'm monitoring my network, and i see that metatrader connects to internet, with a different ip from the broker, you can even use a blank terminal, when you click on metaeditor, or open the terminal, you can see it uses the network and send data online, that data can be anything, who knows,  i would like my metatrader to only send data to my broker, just basic stuff like the price feed and the trades, nothing more, you can see clearly because the ip is different, from the broker, to ip used by metatrader itself, it's possible to make metatrader stops this unwanted upload of data on the terminal? thanks


Ah it's time for the paranoid element again...

You have come this far you should be able to discover what data is send and why, and also how to block it.

Marco vd Heijden:

Ah it's time for the paranoid element again...

You have come this far you should be able to discover what data is send and why, and also how to block it.

Paranoia is not a bad thing, only the paranoid survive on the long therm, i can use a firewall and TRY to block this Ip, but there should be a way to block it built in on metatrader, you say i can discover what data is send, actually i don't understand it very well, i just use a program that monitors programs networks, and you can see metatrader using network even when not connected to any broker, could you explain to me what data they are collecting from my metaeditor and metatrader? 


It's probably live update you can use a sniffer to collect and analyze the packets.

Paranoia is good but i think you might be paranoia about the wrong party.